Stuck on Hedgies
We helped Hufflelump cross a few days ago at the ripe old age of at least 5 and half. He could have been older but we know he had at least earned the title "Sir". He was surrendered to us more than three years ago. He was completely blind but that didn't bother him at all. Although he never used a wheel, he took over our sunken living room for three hours every night and did his laps. Though he was never a cuddler, he looked forward to coming out. Although we helped him cross (he would have kept fighting forever it seemed), I'm a firm believer that he died of old age. He had slowed down a lot over the last 9 months, napped all the time. He had lost most of his teeth, and was treated for several colds and an ear infection. Unfortunately his latest cold turned to pneumonia and it was not responding to any range of antibiotics or, later, steroids. On his last two days, he was struggling to suck in air and couldn't eat. We said goodbye to Sir Huff and are hopeful that he has meet up with Po who crossed the day before him.
Love you lots and lots old man. Show them all how it is done on the other side.
Love you lots and lots old man. Show them all how it is done on the other side.