Stuck on Hedgies
We have two new residents (down to only one hog was making the whole house depressed). One was "Sonic" from the SPCA who is now Cedrick (hopefully that sounds like Sonic to him). He is a big guy with a whole lot of quill skirt but not much hog. He was on some sort of green pellet hedgehog food and has now finished switching over to a blend of three cat foods. He has gained a lot of weight since being with us but he can now walk properly and doesn't trip over his quill skirt. He loves to wheel and is by far the best hog I've had at changing the wheel's colour entirely every night.
Mr. Humphrey Hufflelump was a rescue off of kijiji going for free but completely blind (in fact his eyes are gone likely from his own doing). He was rescued from some very young kids who were not caring for him (big surprise). The woman who took him in temporarily named him Mr. Hufflelump so we kept it, adding Humphrey for less formal occasions. He is very shy but, like Hector, loves to have free-run of our sunken livingroom. He also has a sock maze of which he loves to play in. He is very round but hopefully his nightly runs will help him get some proper exercise. He sleeps in his igloo of which he has dragged in his bed (one of those ferret beds I believe, it came with him). It looks like a very comfy set-up to me - wish I could spend the day in there instead of going to work....
Mr. Humphrey Hufflelump was a rescue off of kijiji going for free but completely blind (in fact his eyes are gone likely from his own doing). He was rescued from some very young kids who were not caring for him (big surprise). The woman who took him in temporarily named him Mr. Hufflelump so we kept it, adding Humphrey for less formal occasions. He is very shy but, like Hector, loves to have free-run of our sunken livingroom. He also has a sock maze of which he loves to play in. He is very round but hopefully his nightly runs will help him get some proper exercise. He sleeps in his igloo of which he has dragged in his bed (one of those ferret beds I believe, it came with him). It looks like a very comfy set-up to me - wish I could spend the day in there instead of going to work....