my boys haven't been coming out every single day to play lately either. i'd say about 3 to 4 times a week lately. they don't have wheels, so i feel bad if they are stuck in their cages for a couple days, lol. but i do go into the chin room multiple times a day when i'm home and just natter away at them, hand feed them the seed heads from their hay, give them apple sticks as well. if i have a few minutes i'll take each boy out of his cage and just hold him for a minute and pet him, or i'll open their cage doors and reach in to give scritches and such, spot clean shelves quickly, and re-stock any hay or pellets that need it. i check their food/hay/water a few times a day, and flick my eyes up to their room thermometer every single time i'm in there and natter away for a minute about how their room is just perfect or if momma has to crack the window a bit more or close it down a little (i try to keep it as close to a constant 68 as possible, so i don't freeze when i'm in there, lol).
i must say though, trying to clean a cage with a chin in it that is mighty intent on getting out is nigh near impossible! :rofl: so when it's cage cleaning time i just say 'aw heck, go play and get out of momma's way', lol.