how to make DIY chin wheels =]

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I went to a rather large Michael's yesteday. Biggest they carry is 16x3 :( Guess I'm ordering some Fat Daddios! Can't wait to get them all up. I'm pulling all my cages apart today. Scrubbing everything down. Washing all their fleece. Was hoping to be able to put new wheels in all of them. Oh well. Good things come to those who wait lol.

Where are you finding a 16x4" Fat Daddio pan at? I ordered one from about 3 weeks about and it still hasn't shipped! No one locally carries a pan that size, or seems to be willing to order it.
The biggest round cake pan I've found around here and in the cities is the 14 x 3, which is a Wilton round pan that comes in a set... on the front a picture of a wedding cake. I do cake decorating for fun and lots of baking, I have yet to find a 16x4 cake pan without special ordering it.
Doesn't even appear that Amazon is selleing the 16x4" pan anymore and I still have an open order for one. :impatient:

Does anyone have another reliable source for these pans that I could order from? (some place you have had experience and trust)

I'm tired of making my little guys wait.
You have a un-tested design of a wheel, that has 20lbs of glue on it that you have no idea if it can stand up to vibration, when that 20lbs of wheel comes crashing down and breaks the chins neck, that is what we are worried about and quite frankly you as the owner of the chins should be the one concerned. Why is it when concern if expressed those that express it are the bad guys, we are the good guys looking out for the welfare of your chins.

Umm, that's not what she said. She put something that weighed 20lbs on top of the wheel before placing it in the cage to see if it would break under pressure.
Umm, that's not what she said. She put something that weighed 20lbs on top of the wheel before placing it in the cage to see if it would break under pressure.

Static weight just sitting there is different that even a lighter weight that is shifting or jaring during rotation. The rotational forces are different than a static downward force. If the chin is just sitting on it, then it would probably be fine.
MarineWifey----not jumping on you at all, but please check your cake pan and make absolutely sure that the pan you purchased has NO COATING ON IT WHATSOEVER.

I may have old eyeballs, or it could be my computer, but that pic looked like that cakepan was coated. I do pastry and cake decorating as a hobby(also known as every other weekend), and I recognize your pan. I am not going to be commenting on its size, I dont like flaming of any sort......but I feel I should let you know that non stick coatings AS WELL AS metal preservative/heat resist coatings KILL.

They kill chins as easily as birds. They range from acting as neuro toxins to metal toxicity. You dont have to answer anyone on here, as to whether or not it is or isnt.....but I feel I should let you know. It doesnt have to be listed as "non-stick" to have a metal preservative or heat resistant coating on it.
Hey (so I know this thread has been dead for a long time) but Imma revive it. :D

Okay, so I heard of a way to make wheels using a scooter wheel as bearings. (I was thinking I would cover the wheel with fleece.) Like this: (scroll down)
Would this work for chins? just wondering, because I know I have a scooter wheel lying around.

And okay, so, from the last post.. I should look for a 16in diameter x 4inch depth cake pan that does not have metal preservatives/heat resistant/non stick coatings? And it should be aluminum or stainless steel, right...?
(I was thinking I would cover the wheel with fleece.)

By this, I meant covering the /scooter/ wheel with fleece. Do you think it would work?