How to clean pee off of hay basket?

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Sep 30, 2011
Hanover, MD
Gizmo has taken to peeing anywhere and everywhere in his cage. I had to throw out a few chew sticks that had pee all over them and a cardboard tube recently. I just bought him a hay basket which he loves sleeping in. Unfortunately he also appears to love peeing in it as well. I don't want to have to throw it away as I just bought it on Monday. Is there anyway to clean the pee off of it?
The hay will absorb the pee so no. If he previously didn't pee every where it can be a sign of dominance or that he's upset or not feeling well.
We haven't had him for very long (maybe a month) and he's been peeing in various spots since around week 2 of having him. He seems fine in every other way so I think he's just one of those 'pee's everywhere" types. Should I just throw the basket out or can I let it dry and then put it back in with him? He loves sleeping in it; I really wish he hadn't pee'd in it.
I guess to me it would depend on the amount of pee and if he also chews on the basket. If he chews, I'd toss it. I he just sleeps on it, and it's a small amount you could spray it down with bleach water mix ( 10% bleach, 90% water) to help sanitize it.

Good luck, those pee-ers can be tough!
He does chew on it so I can't spray it. I could only find one small wet spot on the underside of the basket. Is it normal for chins to pee where they sleep? I know with cats and dogs they will try their best not to go to the bathroom where they sleep but Gizmo doesn't seem to care.
I had this exact issue. I ended up tossing the basket.

You could try putting a piece of fleece down, over the pee area and see if that helps.

Does your chin have an area to pee in, like a bowl of woodchips? That really helped mine; ever since I lined the bottom of their cage with fleece and put in the woodchips, they only use that. Before they peed everywhere (hay baskets, shelves, etc)
The entire bottom level of his cage has shavings for him to pee on. He'll usually pee in one or two corners down there and then starts on all the other corners in the cage. I've been thinking that maybe if I used containers of shavings in the corners and just dump and refill them every time he pees he might stop peeing elsewhere. I don't know how much they usually pee in a day though so that might be unrealistic.