How often?

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Jan 29, 2009
Just curious, but how often does everyone comb their chinchillas??

Also, let me know if you are a breeder or pet owner.

I do it probably like once a year. And I'm obviously a pet owner.
Although I tend to do it more on my friendly chins since it isn't as traumatic for me lol
Yeah, I don't do it that often either. I did Pixel a week ago and got SO much hair, it was awesome. lol There are a couple of the chins who I'd like to do more often, like Smokey mostly but for example, Cadbury and Twix both HATE to be combed so I rarely do them. Sometimes I wonder though if I should do it more often to get them used to it??
I am also a pet owner and don't brush that often either. Some chins don't mind while others throw a complete fit.

I bet it feels better though, for them to get all that dead fur out of their coat.
I don't brush my chin's fir but I kind of finger comb her when I pet her and she does seem to like it. I'll have to try and actually comb her one of these days and see how she reacts and how much fur I get.
I will randomly practice on the males and pet females. My breeding females don't get tourchered lol.
I'm a pet owner and i comb each one (3) about a twice a week. They have very
little shedding and they're ok with it. One of them really loves it and has me comb
under his chin and neck real good!hehe. I use 3 different types of combs and then
of course they'll get their dust bath. I started combing them when they were young
and short sessions. Every now and then i hit a tangle and they give me a yelp and i
have to say "soo sorry"!
Oh Goodness...You mean you are supposed to comb your chinchilla? I have NEVER even thought of doing this!
I have also never combed my chinchillas....

I was looking into purchasing some combs though, so it will start very soon.
Oh Goodness...You mean you are supposed to comb your chinchilla? I have NEVER even thought of doing this!

I haven't either!

Well, I've thought of it and thought it would be fun, but my chins aren't the combing type... I imagine if I came at them with a comb they'd think I was an alien trying to torture them :p
Ok, I tried to comb my chin last night and it was quite the battle! She constantly tried to grab the comb with her teeth and kept kacking at me. I did manage to comb her a bit though, but I really didn't come up with any substantial fur. Maybe I'll try it once a month but I don't think she has a lot of excess fur.
Grooming isn't necessary, especially if you dust regularly as I've found frequent dusting helps get some dead fur out. However, grooming does make the chins feel more comfortable, especially as summer's coming around. I comb everyone, breeders and growers, once a year at the least. As it's get warming, now is the time I'm doing it, a few chins each week until they're all done.
As as pet owner i have never combed my chins. But since one is currently on antibiotics his chin is a bit sticky, so once the meds are over I am going to make sure all the stickiness is gone and start combing him since he actually likes to be held & pet.
My other boy is a spaz and will probably not let me get near him with a comb!

They do LOVE their dust baths though!!!
Ok, I tried to comb my chin last night and it was quite the battle! She constantly tried to grab the comb with her teeth and kept kacking at me. I did manage to comb her a bit though, but I really didn't come up with any substantial fur. Maybe I'll try it once a month but I don't think she has a lot of excess fur.

Did you hold her firmly by the base of her tail?? When I hold my chins this way during combing there really is no way they can get to the comb to bite it, unless I put it right in front of their face. I let the front paws touch my leg and their bottom feet are up in the air.

I'm going to try and get these guys combed soon, because like someone said (sorry cant remember who now) it's so much better in the summer time for them.
I'm both, my pet chin gets combed when she needs it, she gets tufts all the time that make her look scruffy. The others I will occasionally comb, but mainly for pictures.
I comb everyone but Smush, about once a year. Whenever they are done priming & still have that crazy hair sticking out? That's when I groom them. Baxter hates it, Murphy doesn't seem to mind but will kack at you if your not gentle enough, and Smush gets traumatized and sits in his cage and shivers if you brush him. So we don't brush him since they don't get showed or anything. I just brushed Goose because he was shedding like a monser & he doesn't seem to mind it either.

I have my sister help me and she holds the base of the tail and we rest their front feet on one of my hands or my leg. They honestly don't seem to mind & we stop every once in a while so they can stand normally. I don't use any special chinchilla comes though. I use a very fine toothed (slightly wider than a flea comb) dog comb w/ blunt teeth. It does the job very well!
Pet owner who has never combed her chinchillas LOL. I do own a comb (#3) but have never used it :)).
i have never brushed my chins, im a pet owner so i never felt like it was something i needed to do.