How much do chins like poplar?

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2011
Renton, Wa
Good news and bad news. My neighbors have decided to cut down their poplar trees. This is good news for us as it means no more branches crashing down in our yard and causing damage. Bad news because no more branches for chew sticks.
I found this out when I contacted him to ask permission to go cut branches.
My question today is how much do chins like poplar chewsticks? I have permission to go and cut as many branches as I want and these are three big trees. Plus they will bd cutting back their curly willow tree.
There is a poplar stick in Luna's cage that has sat untouched for days, lol. So it seems she is not currently a fan, but that could just be her.
Well besides the curly willow I will now be processing a lot of poplar this week. Lots and lots of poplar.This is like manna from heaven and we know that when they collected to much the excess spoiled.
Maybe you could sell some unprocessed to make your life easier. I wouldnt mind processing it myself, and I'm sure some others might be willing too. Just a thought ;)
I haven't tried poplar twigs, but have gotten some for toy parts. My chins will chew it, but its not their favorite like apple or pear.
I had no idea that poplar was a safe/enjoyable chew for chins! I have probably 8 poplar trees in my backyard! Now I just have to learn how to process it for my chin! :) Also, I didn't know that pear is ok to use too! My husband's parents have a few pear trees. Yayy! :)
I hate poplar. A lot of my chins don't seem to like it...and I've had major moisture issues with poplar. Just me I'm sure...and everyone (and everychin) is different. If your chins like it or you can sell it...bonus ;)
I actually buy poplar wood for Idgie to chew. Not sure how much she would like it on a branch since she seems to really only love the bark on the apple sticks.
I got a large order for poplar coins. At the moment they are sitting on the top of my stove and every minute or so I hear clicking sounds as the wood cracks. What a lovely sound.
Today, I will be working on a large batch of apple branches. :)