How many toys??

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Aug 15, 2011
How many toys do you buy for each of your chins? How long do they last? Is 8 toys enough for two chins? How long would 8 toys last?
it all depends on how much your chins chew. my Rhino may or may not chew more or less than two chins combined. Rhino is a spoiled bugger, and has a hanging toy (sometimes two!) at each shelf in his cage (over a dozen total), a hunk of grapewood, a nut knot nibbler (nuts removed!), and has a dish of small toy pieces on his cage floor too.
I try to have about 3 toys every week or so, mine seem to get bored easily and will ignore a toy after only having it for a little while, so I replace/rotate them often!
It really depends on the chin and what kind of wood and chews are on the toys. I have several chew toys hanging in each cage, and when the wood on them gets low, like when I can see the wire or chain a reasonable amount, I add more wood/chews to the toy. Some things last longer, others last shorter amounts of time. For example, I have some thin pine blocks that I use, which are chewed in no time, but the 1" thick alphabet cubes last awhile. Anything willow/grapevine that I add to the toys also is chewed quickly, but some thicker pieces of grapevine are still lasting me after a few years. I do swap what toys are in what cage every so often so the chins get a variety.
Most of my cages have one or two hanging toys depending on what chins are in that cage some chew more than others. I have to replace the wood every month.
Mine usually have three or four hanging toys. Plus sticks and toss toys. I am always buying something for the chinchillas, you can go broke pretty easily. LOL!
How many toys? As many as you can afford, LOL. I have 4 toys per cage that get changed out every two weeks and they get a small handfull of sticks every night along with small toys like bagel bites or willow toss toys.
I completely agree with Dawn lol spoil them with as many as you can afford! I make my own so I save a bit on money so my spoiled furbutt Emmy has about 10+ toys in her FN 142 :hilarious: sometimes she get bored of her toys so I rotate them every so often like move the ones downstairs upstairs and vice versa.
Totally agree with Dawn and Staphanie, just buy buy buy (especially when you see something safe and onsale really BUY). I have 4 hanging toys in each cage and will need to refill it in less than a week basically. Each night I give willow twigs, apple sticks, lava rocks and what ever other they can kill in 1 night for them.
Oh man, this thread is an excellent example of how spoiled all the chinnies on this forum are! I personally give my boys several toys each, but I like to make sure they have plenty of flat/empty space to jump from shelves to avoid possible injury. They mostly love to eat their nice custom shelves instead of toys. They go for the fun stuff to destroy. :)
Those shredders are safe for chins, although mine don't seem to care too much for them. Some people also use the bamboo finger traps as toys, and a lot of member stores have them for sale pretty cheap. I got some last week in my order from AZChins for like $0.25 each or so. Check the classifieds section. :)