How many hay cubes should I feed per day?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2013
Santiago, Chile
Hi everybody.
well im getting a Chinchilla after many years of not having one, in a few days. I bought hay cubes but im wondering how many hay cubes should I put in his cage? (its one chinchilla for now).
I bought both for my new chin. But i´ts my first time with hay cubes so I wanted to get an idea of how much to put in the cage, so its not wasted!
It depends on your chin! (Which is 99% of the answers you'll see here, lol.) One of mine will devour a hay cube in a day. The other one will eat half and then ignore it over a week. You might have to waste some to see what he prefers.