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Before I got Addie she was with a male for a few weeks. If she did get pregnant then the kits would be due May 29 until June 17. She has only gained about 60 grams since I got her. I put her with another male April 28. About a week or so ago I noticed that her temperament had changed. She was kacking and spraying, things she had never done before. To avoid her from hurting my male and other female she was caged with I took her out. I keep checking her nipples but there is no change and also no weight gain. I am still hoping that she could be pregnant from the first male, but it isn't looking to positive. The only symptom now being grumpiness. If she isn't, then I am wondering how early in pregnancy can a chin start having mood swings? I am really hoping that her grumpiness is due to pregnancy because she was so sweet before and it would be sad if this were a permanent thing.