how do i keep track of, post

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Jun 18, 2012
I wanted to know how do i keep track of my post
More so the responses i get within the post? (Thread i wrote)

Besides, having to find it, within the categories.

Im new to fourms, so i dont really know how to work
In the upper right side of this thread there is a Thread Tools menu, click on that and click on Subscribe to thread.

Within your UserCP it will show you a listing of the threads you are subscribed to.
You can also click on new posts at the top of the forum. There aren't usually 1000s of active threads going at one time. If you check in even once a day, it will bring up all the threads that were posted to since the last time you were in. If someone posted to your thread, it will show up.

I hate having all those notifications in my email, so I don't subscribe to threads. I use the new posts button instead.