New member
Hi everyone.
So, 1 week ago, me and my boyfriend decided to adopt 2 chinchillas, Grey and White. They're 2 males, about 1 year old, and they've grown up together since babies. We've never thought of having small pets before, but due to the circumstance, these two chinchilla could have felt into a worse situation if we had not adopted them
We keep the chinchilla at my boyfriend's place, and for some reasons, we had to keep the cage outside. My boyfriend put the cage in the shade, and put a black blanket over the top that also falls on the sides to keep them warm with cold temperature at night and cool from the heat/sun during day time ( we live in California).
When they first came, We made a BIG MISTAKE. We took out the flying saucer, a small container , and a hide away. Those look dirty, shabby, and cracking. What we still keep in the cage is a brick that they're usually sleep on.
Hoping to bring them the best without understanding chinchillas, we replaced these items with 2 small hammock, a new hide away, a piece of granite stone, and a small bed. Obviously they're pretty scared and wouldn't come near us the first day when we were at the cage's door. They even slept with their eye open. in the next few days, we started talking to them, feeding them, cleaning the cage, giving dust bath. When it's hot, i tried to take the granite stone out of the cage, put it in the freezer to help the chins cool down with the heat of California during daytime ( I'm thinking of making a solar powered fan for them and put it outside the cage, have anyone ever thought about this idea?)
So, it's been 1 week. Now, as i or my boyfriend come close to the gate, they will also come close to us and nibble our fingers. Whenever is feeding time, i only have to open the gate door and they'll just climb up and down my fingers. ( I tried to rub their neck but it seemed like they're not ready yet). i think they're still scared and have yet to feel comfortable with the new environment, which is understandable,i hope somebody can show us how to understand them more deeply.This is a picture of them now
Also, we don't know how to potty train the chinchillas, they poop everywhere in the cage, we have yet to figure out where they pee, The white one seems to have urine on his hair, i weren't able to take a picture, but i could see the yellow stain around his pee hole. Another problem is their hair look really really bad, it's dirty and clumped together, especially after taking the dust bath ( i thought the dust bath will make them more clean?). Is it because not cleaning the cage frequently enough, because of their urine, or a more sensitive reason since they're 2 males?
This is the picture of their hair
I'm really sad, because i don't know how to help them, being dirty can make them stressed out
And also, why the grey one does this? leaning on the cage? is it because it's daytime and he's drowsy?
Thank everyone and i'm waiting to get help
So, 1 week ago, me and my boyfriend decided to adopt 2 chinchillas, Grey and White. They're 2 males, about 1 year old, and they've grown up together since babies. We've never thought of having small pets before, but due to the circumstance, these two chinchilla could have felt into a worse situation if we had not adopted them
We keep the chinchilla at my boyfriend's place, and for some reasons, we had to keep the cage outside. My boyfriend put the cage in the shade, and put a black blanket over the top that also falls on the sides to keep them warm with cold temperature at night and cool from the heat/sun during day time ( we live in California).
When they first came, We made a BIG MISTAKE. We took out the flying saucer, a small container , and a hide away. Those look dirty, shabby, and cracking. What we still keep in the cage is a brick that they're usually sleep on.
Hoping to bring them the best without understanding chinchillas, we replaced these items with 2 small hammock, a new hide away, a piece of granite stone, and a small bed. Obviously they're pretty scared and wouldn't come near us the first day when we were at the cage's door. They even slept with their eye open. in the next few days, we started talking to them, feeding them, cleaning the cage, giving dust bath. When it's hot, i tried to take the granite stone out of the cage, put it in the freezer to help the chins cool down with the heat of California during daytime ( I'm thinking of making a solar powered fan for them and put it outside the cage, have anyone ever thought about this idea?)
So, it's been 1 week. Now, as i or my boyfriend come close to the gate, they will also come close to us and nibble our fingers. Whenever is feeding time, i only have to open the gate door and they'll just climb up and down my fingers. ( I tried to rub their neck but it seemed like they're not ready yet). i think they're still scared and have yet to feel comfortable with the new environment, which is understandable,i hope somebody can show us how to understand them more deeply.This is a picture of them now
Also, we don't know how to potty train the chinchillas, they poop everywhere in the cage, we have yet to figure out where they pee, The white one seems to have urine on his hair, i weren't able to take a picture, but i could see the yellow stain around his pee hole. Another problem is their hair look really really bad, it's dirty and clumped together, especially after taking the dust bath ( i thought the dust bath will make them more clean?). Is it because not cleaning the cage frequently enough, because of their urine, or a more sensitive reason since they're 2 males?
This is the picture of their hair
I'm really sad, because i don't know how to help them, being dirty can make them stressed out
And also, why the grey one does this? leaning on the cage? is it because it's daytime and he's drowsy?
Thank everyone and i'm waiting to get help