Hot, flat ear. Input?

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Diva Chins

I didn't want to post this in the emergency section but I'd like to get some input ASAP.
For the last ten minutes or so, I've noticed my standard gray female has been keeping one ear tucked against her body and the other perked up and alert. I got her out, noticing that her sister was hogging the food bowl (I think some bullying might be going on) and it's hot to the touch and just lays flat, I put my finger behind it and it just flapped back flat against my finger. Her other ear is cool, fine, nothing abnormal, but this ear is just hot, flat, etc. She's staying a good distance away from her sister, is it possible they had a squabble and I didn't notice? I don't see any bites, scratches, cuts, etc, it's just bugging me a bit. It's cool in my bedroom, 63.7 degrees so there's no overheating, that was my first worry. Any input?
I would just keep an eye on it for now and if it is still like that in the morning, maybe take her to the vet. It's possible there was a fight between the two but maybe she was just laying on it and that's why it's warm and flat. When my chinnies first wake up, their ears do not stand erect but are kind of 'crumpled', like bed head, until they fully wake up.
I would just keep an eye on it for now and if it is still like that in the morning, maybe take her to the vet. It's possible there was a fight between the two but maybe she was just laying on it and that's why it's warm and flat. When my chinnies first wake up, their ears do not stand erect but are kind of 'crumpled', like bed head, until they fully wake up.

I got about 1/4th CC critical care into her, she acted alright, especially when I put the dust bath in there but I definitely noticed some bullying when it came to the dust bath, so I do believe I'm going to separate them. Right now they're cuddled up together, so I'm thinking of maybe just separating for dust baths and feeding time. I dunno, they get along so well most of the time, I just notice a smidge of bullying (Such as Aiko sitting on top of the food bowl so that only she can get pellets out) but I've had 2 food bowls in there before and they insist on eating out of the same one. I'll just be sure to watch them closely. Thanks a ton.
How long have they been together? If there seems to be some bullying and it appears to be physical, I would seperate them.

They've been together since birth, sisters. I've noticed in the past week or so some dominance humping and a little frustration from that, kacking, but no chasing or fur pulling. Now they're absolutely fine, hopping around, exploring, just having fun. I just don't want it to escalate into something worse.
Breathe! ;)

Some chins do sleep with one ear tucked down - it goes red because it is against the body. It is not necessarily a sign of anything wrong - just a sleepy chin.

How old are these chins? If they have been together since birth have they sorted out the pecking order yet? They may be doing that.

I would put 2 bowls back in the cage and keep an eye on the chins - separating them may be overkill at this point (and I'm not saying it is, just that it's a maybe). If they are sorting out the pecking order then it may take a few days or more. As long as no fur is flying and no fighting is occurring then some dominance mounting is normal.
Weigh them and keep an eye on the weights - if there is bullying going on then the bullied one tends to lose weight. Watch their interactions and be prepared to separate if necessary.
I agree with claire. One of my girl sleeps like that and when she wakes up, her ears are often more red and hot.
I would put 2 bowls back in the cage and keep an eye on the chins - separating them may be overkill at this point (and I'm not saying it is, just that it's a maybe). If they are sorting out the pecking order then it may take a few days or more. As long as no fur is flying and no fighting is occurring then some dominance mounting is normal.
Weigh them and keep an eye on the weights - if there is bullying going on then the bullied one tends to lose weight. Watch their interactions and be prepared to separate if necessary.

It does feel like Rini is losing some weight, but they refuse to eat out of separate bowls. When they first got here, I had two in there and filled both up, would wake up the next day to only one being empty, other still full. So I had to toss it and after about a week of it I thought one would be best. They're almost a year now, possibly more already a year now, Aiko had her first heat cycle at 10 months and Rini hit it at 11 months. I'm actually sure of a year now. I keep track of all my female's first heat cycles just to see if it effects the dominance struggle any. I have noticed a slight weight loss in Rini just by holding her and feeling, but I'll try putting another food bowl in there as soon as I get done with this to see if that works any. I do have a spare cage ready in case something does happen equipped with spare water bottle. I'm just a little spastic about switching them back and forth between a Ryerson's water bottle and a regular pet store glass bottle. Aiko is gaining a lot of weight and I've noticed that (in my opinion) Aiko has been trying to eat all the pellets before Rini can get any, but I put quite a bit in there (To try and make up for this) so she can't eat them all. They were small to begin with, but this little bullying episode has made both weights go up, then pause, Aiko's weight go up further, Rini's weight starting to drop. Even now Aiko is gnawing at the pellets while Rini is asleep trying to eat them all. I think she's getting a wee bit extreme, I just dunno who I should remove if need be, Aiko or Rini. The other cage is smaller, it's fine for one chin, but I do think they both love the FN cage.
My girls had been together for well over a year before a very sudden beating. No blood.......just lots of hair loss and chasing. I witnessed no previous problems. They ate, slept, groomed and shared the wheel and no arguments over apple sticks. I seperated them ASAP. One lives the life single and was adopted out. The other stayed here and went into a deep depression. She was my passive girl. I bought her a kit and its been almost a year later and no problems with either. Good luck. They don't mind being seperated if you have to do that. And you can always purchase a bigger cage later. You might consider doing a large bird cage rehab or bunny cage and pull the floor out. I did that for one of mine. Nice room in the cage. Just took out the wire bottom floor. Good luck.
Try trimming the whiskers ofof the more agressive one - take maybe an inch off, and see what happens! Although I've not tried it yet, I understand it's supposed to work well!
I think the ear is quite normal but if you see squabbling than you may need to separate. I would put the other bowl in again and see if it gets some action now that there seems to be an issue.
Some chins do sleep with one ear tucked down - it goes red because it is against the body. It is not necessarily a sign of anything wrong - just a sleepy chin.

I can only comment that with my one older boy, this has happened a few times, not totally red but a pinkish and very warm ear. He sleeps sometimes on his side in a fleece tube.
several of my chinchillas end up with warm red ears flat against them especially when sleeping in piles...sometimes even when they are on their own.
Hmm, both food bowls were emptied, but no pellets were laying around in the cage so I guess they were all eaten. I had about 5 tablespoons combined in the bowls, I guess they're getting awful hungry these days ha. Thanks for all your help everyone.
Why did u feed c.c.? Did i miss something? Didn't you say they were eating, just one was more dominant and ate first? Just curious
Why did u feed c.c.? Did i miss something? Didn't you say they were eating, just one was more dominant and ate first? Just curious

I was concerned over her slight weight loss, and her hiding in the corner of the cage I guess you could call it. I figured it wouldn't hurt to get some Critical Care in her, I just got her in the burrito wrap and put a drop on her lips and she was loving it. After that I noticed she had a bit more energy and started popcorning.
I would keep feeding with two bowls and just increase the amount of pellets you feed until they start leaving a little uneaten each morning. If the one keeps bullying the other, you might consider separating them.
Oh i see. I was just thinking about prematurly stressing her out if you didn't have to but if she liked it then that is cool. Hopefully she is all better now