Oh I'm sure he'll be fine. Arwen has cleaned it up a bit since photos, but I'm gonna dab a wee bit of blu kote on it just in case. It's right above the nostrils.
Sadly, I lost little Z10 last night due to injuries from the mother. I had fostered out the sister the night before because they hadn't gained much weight and I had started supplementing them. I came in yesterday evening to the white male lying in a corner all beat up around the nose area again, so I attempted to clean him up and supplement him but he was in shock and had gone into seizures. RIP little man. I hate to lose babies, especially my whites
Galadriel is still expecting, and I hope she litters soon. I can only feel one kit, but I'm really hoping it's a white and maybe she'll surprise me with 2 whites? With the luck I've had this year, I'll probably end up with another standard. I need for her to have a white for me, as poor little Atom broke my heart last night. He was so healthy, and I couldn't save him.
:hug2: Ohhh, I am so very sorry to hear about Little Atom!!! I know you are just heartbroken! Hopefully your new kits will arrive soon and help easy your mind a bit.
So sorry about your baby, he was soo cute, and it's true, this when breeding sucks because you fall in love so much with the babies and the adult chins, they are so special, and it hurts so much to lose one of them
I'm happy to say that Galadriel just delivered Z11 an Z12, standard male and a WHITE MALE! I'm crying from tears of joy that she gave me my requests, because I'm still lost without little Atom. I adore my whites, they're just so special to me. Pictures to come!
Sorry and congrats...how often do you get to say that...lol....im sorry for atom and am happy for your new ones and im glad you got another white.
Is atoms mom freaking out without any babies? You said you fostered the stand. Out right? Ive had that happen before with a single kit delivery and i felt absolutely terrible for mom....
Hope these new one do ok....mom are absolutely gorgeous....especially the first one...you could send her my way....lol
She actually seems like she doesn't care much at all. I had thought about putting the standard back in with her but I don't want to take the chance of losing her also if mom isn't producing enough milk and she jumps on the kit.