Homo ebony born to two violets?

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2014
Upstate NY
I was talking to a breeder about a kit she had last week and was curious about the genetics, and if anyone had heard of something like this before. I placed a deposit on a homo ebony v/c male. Now both of his parents were violet! His paternal grandfather was a dark violet wrap but that is the only ebony in his pedigree from grandparents onward. He and his brother are both homo ebonies!
If both parents were violets then he would have to be a violet wrap. Or is one of his parents a violet carrier? Ebony cam be carried for many many generations
Both parents are violets. Not carriers. I know ebony can be carried down the line, without showing. But as Narissus said the kit is a homo ebony not a violet wrap.
If the kit is an ebony and not a violet wrap then genetically both parents can not be violet. Unless one parent is afro violet and one German violet. With ebony some where in the lines. Then the kit would be an ebony gv-v/carrier.
Could the kit be a very dark violet wrap???
Do you have picture?
I know, here is a pic. That is my exact question. Both parents are indeed violets, dad being an ebony carrier. And they had this.


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First, that's not a "homo" ebony. Ebonies shouldn't really be considered homozygous anyway based on how they appear phenotypically - we call them extra dark ebonies. I would label that animal as a dark ebony, not extra dark and it will most likely lighten with age from the way it appears. As Narcissus mentioned - that's the only way that you can have anything other than violet or violet wraps out of the two violets, if one is a german violet and the other afro violet because they're two separate mutations. Otherwise, you would definitely have a violet or violet wrap kit. This chinchilla doesn't appear to be expressing violet at all, it's definitely just an eb carrying violet.
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I agree with Tiffany - that kit appears to be a dark ebony, versus an extra dark. What lines is he out of?

Two violet animals won't produce anything except for violet, as Tiffany said.
Definitely a dark/medium ebony, not an extra dark. Somebody is mistaken somewhere. Violets genetically must throw a violet gene. So breeding two violets together means you will get 100% violet offspring. Regardless of the ebony factor. In my very humble opinion, any reputable breeder that is breeding violets would know this. Unless somewhere in your communications something has come across wrong. I would definitely contact the breeder and ask some more questions.
Yeah I seriously question what's going on here. Even if one was Afro Violet and one was German Violet...Who does that? And WHY? Not to mention the ebony in there. Sounds like either a "fun" color pairing, a kit "escaped" and made it to another cage, or the breeder doesn't know what they're talking about. If we give the benefit of the doubt to the breeder, one parent might be a v/c of sorts (rather than a full violet)is all I can think of (aside from the above which in this case are equally possible). :)
I can ask for pics of the parents.

I understand that ebony genes are not hetero or homozygous, I looked back and the kit is listed as an extra dark ebony not a "homo". Though he may be a dark not extra dark as you've said.

I was just wondering if anyone had heard of this type of thing before. And clearly it has not happened before or is unknown.
We have not heard of this type of thing because it isn't how the genetics would work. If the parents are both violets the offspring must be violet, but clearly the pic you showed is of an ebony. If there were ebony in the lines, fine, but with the parentage you stated it would have to be a violet wrap, which that kit is not. I suspect one of the parents is not a violet but rather a violet carrier. Let us know what you find out....
Either the parents are incorrectly or the female was bred to a different male... post pics when you get them and we can help