Hi!! new here from PA

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
Mechanicsburg, PA
Hi CnH!!

My name is Justine and I'm from Pennsylvania. I don't have a chin.. yet, but I will hopefully getting one soon. I've wanted a Chin my whole life and have recently decided its about time to finally get one. I'm really looking for a white mosaic male and I hope I find him soon!

My boyfriends brother recently purchased a chin, his name is Ploppers. He's a standard chin and his best friend is a giant Doberman!

I currently own 2 spoiled Siberian Huskies, Roxy and Blake. They are both black and white huskies with blue eyes. It will be interesting having them get used to the new chin, especially Blake. Roxy is used to little animals, I had a rabbit when I got her as a puppy and she also grew up with 3 cats.

I look forward to chatting and learning a lot about chins with all of you!
Welcome! If you tell us what part of PA you're in, there's plenty of breeders on here from PA and the surrounding states, and a show in PA every April! Good luck with your search, and be careful with the huskies! My boyfriend has a husky who is intent on eating my fuzzballs! He was also raised with cats.
I'm in Central PA. I did see that there is a show in York every April. I'm located about half an hour from York.

I've emailed a few people in PA and surrounding area regarding white mosaics so I'm hoping to get one shortly!

Yes, huskies have high prey drives so that's why they will be watched heavily for several days and weeks after bringing the new chin home. They will most likely think he is a squirrel, lol. Blake has never had experience with small animals.. he lived with 2 cats for a month when he was 7 weeks old and the cats were bigger then him then!

The chin's cage will also be up on a desk out of their reach in our apartment and will hopefully will have his own room when we get our house in the next few months.
Have fun! Most of us live by the rule that when we're not around, our dogs aren't able to get to the chins. Just something to consider! :) Oh, and have fun this weekend with the snow! We will be on the east side of the river!
Welcome to the forum! Hope you learn lots and good luck finding a mosaic. What type of cage are you getting that would fit on a desk?

Most people would agree with Ash, that it is best that a dog never be left alone with a chin even in a cage on a desk. Maybe the chin can be in a room with a door when you are not home? :D
the cage is the Ryerson's cage kit. its 15x21x23. Once we get a house he will have a bigger cage.. i'm actually already saving and planning to get either a martins cage or FN. I don't want to get one now because it will be easier for the dogs to get to him then because they won't fit on the desk. The bedrooms are where the dogs spend most of the time and the chin will be on the desk in the living room.

There will always be supervision, my boyfriend and I work opposite shifts.. I work during the day and my boyfriend works at night and the dogs are in cages while were not home. The dogs can't be trusted not to tear things up while we're out, lol. Huskies can be destructive! The dogs will also be in seperate rooms from the chin.

Don't worry, i've made sure to make all the neccissary measures so the chin won't be in danger. That's the last thing i would want.

Ash -- I hope we get as much as they are calling for. I love snow and the dogs will be in heaven! I bought fleece and sewing materials to make some hammocks and such in case we do get snowed in!
Wow the white moasic you put the deposit down on is so adorable. Welcome! This sight has some really great info. Congrats on the chins.
Thanks! I know.. as soon as I saw him I was like 'I want him!' lol.

Yes, i've learned so much from this site already and I can't wait to chat and learn more!