Hi @Chinsforlife

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Is it safe, in your opinion, to feed treats to kits? I've heard don't from some and that it's totally fine from others.
I don't think it is very wise to give kits treats too often. If I had any kits I would probably not give them treats until they are at least 3 months old. (but this is just my opinion) I would recommend only giving one treat once every two weeks just to be safe you can google or look up videos on youtube for safe treats for kits :)
I don't think it is very wise to give kits treats too often. If I had any kits I would probably not give them treats until they are at least 3 months old. (but this is just my opinion) I would recommend only giving one treat once every two weeks just to be safe you can google or look up videos on youtube for safe treats for kits :)
Ok, thank you! My breeder recommended cheerios, rose hips and whole oats, he said they were good inexpensive treats. I don't plan on feeding him many treats until he is around 5-6 months. I did give him a few rolled oats to help with bonding the first 2 weeks but I'm not planning on giving him much at all now. Maybe 3-4 rolled oats a week OR a cheerio every other week.
Ok, thank you! My breeder recommended cheerios, rose hips and whole oats, he said they were good inexpensive treats. I don't plan on feeding him many treats until he is around 5-6 months. I did give him a few rolled oats to help with bonding the first 2 weeks but I'm not planning on giving him much at all now. Maybe 3-4 rolled oats a week OR a cheerio every other week.
That sounds like a good safe plan :)
Ok, thank you! My breeder recommended cheerios, rose hips and whole oats, he said they were good inexpensive treats. I don't plan on feeding him many treats until he is around 5-6 months. I did give him a few rolled oats to help with bonding the first 2 weeks but I'm not planning on giving him much at all now. Maybe 3-4 rolled oats a week OR a cheerio every other week.
But just be careful because too many of those treats can cause gas
Any ideas on how to keep Chico from jumping out of his cage every time I clean it? My room isn't chin proofed yet so it's not necessarily safe. I have a fish tank on the other side of my room which has a whole bunch of cords hooked up to it and he really doesn't need to be chewing on my rug either, it's also hard to catch him without "traumatizing" him! He goes under my bed, dresser and his cage, ittakes me about 45 minutes an hour to get him back in. I try not to grab him.
Any ideas on how to keep Chico from jumping out of his cage every time I clean it? My room isn't chin proofed yet so it's not necessarily safe. I have a fish tank on the other side of my room which has a whole bunch of cords hooked up to it and he really doesn't need to be chewing on my rug either, it's also hard to catch him without "traumatizing" him! He goes under my bed, dresser and his cage, ittakes me about 45 minutes an hour to get him back in. I try not to grab him.
Well it depends what type of can you have I have a double unit critter nation and I normally keep them in whatever half I’m not cleaning and do one half at a time
Well it depends what type of can you have I have a double unit critter nation and I normally keep them in whatever half I’m not cleaning and do one half at a time
Well, Ive gotten the single unit but I'm going to get the top level when he's a little older. (And when I have $130 to spendπŸ˜‚) that's what I'll probably do when I get the second level.😊
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Sorry for the weird grammer. That's just how we talk in Texas.πŸ˜‚ I have taken 3 years of 3 hour long English Grammer classes, I know how you are supposed to write.πŸ˜‚
Well, Ive gotten the single unit but I'm going to get the top level when he's a little older. (And when I have $130 to spendπŸ˜‚) that's what I'll probably do when I get the second level.😊
since you don’t have the double unit you could probably purchase a small pet carrier and put him in there while you clean the cage