So my "male"chinchilla that I've had for almost 2 years has 3 babies today. I came home and went up to let my puppy out of his crate and he kept whining and going over to the one side of his cage I didn't think much of it at the time but then later he would not leave the shelf under the cages alone and I looked to find a baby, found the other one of the floor as well and the last one was still with mommy. I haven't found any more so I'm assuming she had the three.
I moved them to a single critter nation(my poor gerbil had to down grade
and was wondering if I need to attach anything the inside of the cage to prevent escape or if a critter nation will be enough?
They appear to be drinking from mom I did see 2 of the babies "wrestling"? Do they play with each other this young? Or were they fighting?
I will need to pick up a digital scale tomorrow as the one I have doesn't work very well.
Do I need to attach the water bottle where they can reach it or do they get everything from mom at this time?
Anything special I should be doing fro mom? I have pellets and hay in there
Any tips?
Here is a pic of the setup the box is temporary I just didn't have another hide to use
I moved them to a single critter nation(my poor gerbil had to down grade
They appear to be drinking from mom I did see 2 of the babies "wrestling"? Do they play with each other this young? Or were they fighting?
I will need to pick up a digital scale tomorrow as the one I have doesn't work very well.
Do I need to attach the water bottle where they can reach it or do they get everything from mom at this time?
Anything special I should be doing fro mom? I have pellets and hay in there
Any tips?
Here is a pic of the setup the box is temporary I just didn't have another hide to use