HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

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Do you think it would be safe to stop the Baytril? I don't think it's necessary. I mean obviously if he started to seize again I would take him back in but he seems fine. He is miserable with the Baytril...and I don't want him to be medicated if it's for a unsure diagnosis? I truly don't believe he has an infection at all. I'm pretty good with him in all regards, I know things can happen but...

What would you do?
Remember that we are not vets here - we can only give you information based on our own experiences - but I personally would not continue the Baytril without a diagnosis that required it. As I stated above, if I was going to try something, I would have gone with a bit gentler antibiotics like trimethoprim sulfa.

I would still want to find a chinchilla experienced vet to see him. A seizure "generally" only lasts as long as it lasts, then there is a bit of a down time after, they most chins perk back up to their normal behavior. Granted, Baytril is nastiness personified, and maybe that's the reason he's still not back to his usual self, but if you stop the Baytril and he doesn't perk back up he needs to see the vet.

Right now I would be sure to monitor his weight, his poop, his urine, his water intake, his food intake, and his behavior. Keep a log. I would also get the CC and the Lifeline and offer that to him to get his gut back on track.
Ok I think I am going to stop the Baytril. I think that is why he's not himself. He's ok about 10 hours after the dose and his normal self...and then I do it to him again. Last night he was eating fine until I gave him the Baytril and steroid. I have to find an exotic vet around here - they don't even sell critical care or lifeline anywhere around here even at the vet. We just aren't very with the times in Canada and I've already called customs to see if they would clear the shipment through the border and they said probably not because it's food not approved here.

What can I mix up here that would be similar? That I don't have to beg him to eat? Mind you if I kill the Baytril I get the feeling he'll be perfectly fine. I think it's the terror of burrito and baytril that is making him NOT himself.
You can try using his own pellets, add some water to it to soften them a bit, a drizzle of black strap molasses, and some canned pumpkin (REAL pumpkin, not pumpkin mix). It doesn't have the great consistency of CC, but it usually will tempt them to eat because of the pumpkin and the molasses. Don't make the pellets soupy, just softer then mix in the other stuff.
How long was the Baytril prescribed for? Just know that your chin may be resistant to it now so it may not work in the future if it is prescribed again. And I would keep your chin away from any other animals if you own any until you can find out or rule out if he has an infection or not.

It's a shame about the customs thing. CC and Lifeline don't have any weird ingredients, I think. I would check the supply stores list (it is stickied on the chin supplies for sale section). I know there are some online places based in Canada. Maybe one of them has some sort of supplement like CC or Lifeline.
I find it interesting about customs and CC/Lifeline because I mail my flower salad to Canada all the time. How is it different? In my case you can even smell it through the package and they don't say a word.
I've successfully sent Critical Care to Canada. You won't find anywhere in Canada that sells LifeLine, it is only available from chocolatechinchillas.
Canadian Customs said that I can try - they don't guarantee it will make it through. With all the lock down at the border on our side I don't want to risk the chance for what? My mom used to work for customs and says it has about a 40% chance it will make it through. If it's not been approved from our Health & Drug it's not going anywhere but a special room at the border where it will be returned to the vendor. I don't have the kind of time to risk a chance like that. If there is something I can get into my chin now that will help him in this moment great.
I will try and order some from chocolatechins and see how that fairs but I can't risk a delay at the border in his time of need. I never pre-bought any because I figured as far as Canadians we would be bright enough to have this stuff in our market, unfortunately we're behind the US by years in some products.
I just found a place in Quebec so we'll see if I can get that or drive over the border and pick it's Oxbow Critical Care right?
He just had a handful of rolled oats and millet seed; now he's eating hay so that's a good sign. I will keep hand feeding him until I can get some CC. Thanks guys for all your help. I am quiting the Baytril and see how he fairs. If he seizes again I will bring him to Montreal to an exotic vet there. It's about 3 hours from here.