My husband and I just rescued 2 chins that were living in horrible conditions. We have never cared for chins before, but as soon as we saw the conditions these little ones were living in we knew we had to do something for them. So we have had these chins for 2 days now, and the male chin seems to be a little underweight, but eating good now that we have him home. However his penis doesn't look to be in very good shape. I have researched how to care for chins and what not, and came across the hair ring issue for the male chins. I had my son hold the chin (Jasper is his name BTW) while I inspected Jasper's "private area" and I could find no evidence of a hair ring. But his penis will not go back inside the fold of skin and looks purple at the tip of it. As if the blood flow is cut off from it. I have looked under the skin folds, and still no sign of a hair ring. I'm so worried for the little guy. I thought that us taking him home and giving him better care would be the right thing for him. Now I'm just worried he won't make it until tomorrow afternoon, which is the earliest vet appointment I could get for him. Any tips that some of you veteran chin owners might have would be greatly appreciated.
One more thing just so you all know. Jasper seems to be in good spirits. He's very energetic, is eating and drinking, and loves to play. I'm just concerned about his private parts being in an erect position and the color not being what I have seen in photo's on the internet on healthy male chins.
One more thing just so you all know. Jasper seems to be in good spirits. He's very energetic, is eating and drinking, and loves to play. I'm just concerned about his private parts being in an erect position and the color not being what I have seen in photo's on the internet on healthy male chins.