HELP! Not Sure What To Do

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AJ Muscella

Dec 23, 2013
Let me start out with saying hello! I'm new to this forum, but desperately feel I need advice. I have a chinchilla at home now that I'm a little worried about. He shows no real signs of being ill, no lethargy - he's actually almost always running on his saucer - no drooling, no pawing at his face, etc; but he seems to be losing weight. I can feel his hips and, recently, his spine. I always make sure my little guys always have fresh water in their bottles and food and hay in their bins, so I know it's not that I'm not feeding them or not giving them fresh water. He also seems to be eating quite a bit, so I know he's not starving himself. I just don't know why he seems so thin. Any ideas as to what is going on?
If he is really loosing weight, start feeding him alfalfa hay until he is back to normal... If this continues where he starts getting sick, or weak, take him to the vet ASAP
Do you have a scale? Its easier to know how much weight he is loosing that way. I would remove the wheel. Are his poops normal? What hay and pellets are you feeding? Have there been any changes in the house?
He's about 7-9 months old, maybe a little older. I got him at PetSmart when I was living in Tennessee. He's definitely young, smaller than the chinchillas I've seen being sold back home in Maryland.

I've been feeding him Oxbow Essentials Chinchilla Deluxe Food and giving him Kaytee Timothy Hay - although I'm thinking of switching back to Oxbow hay since Kaytee has a lot of stems and he seems to just chuck those. I recently went to the store and was able to find some Critical Care, but I honestly don't know how to give it to him without him refusing to take it. Any suggestions?
It might pay to get him checked out by a chin-competent vet, just to be sure. Also, keep a record of his weight, so you can be sure of how much he's lost, and how quickly he's losing.
I would switch to oxbow's better quality. The food is great that you are giving him. If you are worried, you can buy a gram scale and weigh him every few days. If he is loosing weight, feed him Alfalfa hay...this will make him gain weight.just mix it in with his Timothy. I would also cut out treats for a few days, unless its shredded wheat or something like that. No one can see your chinchilla on this forum, so if you are very concerned I would take him to a vet.
Definitely get a scale so you can properly monitor his weight. You can find one in the kitchen section of Target/Walmart, etc. Don't buy anything Kaytee; their products are terrible. Stick to Oxbow if you can or another reputable brand. If he's still a bit younger, maybe remove the wheel for now as someone has suggested. Give it back to him in a few months, when he's a bit older and putting on weight.
So I took him to the vet and they said he seems to be a healthy weight. They didn't find any issues with his teeth, they tested his stool for parasites and the like but still nothing. They then proceeded to give me an antibiotic - in the event they missed something - and a probiotic to help maintain good GI flora while he's on the antibiotic.

He takes his medicine fine and seems active still, but I'm still really worried that I can feel his spine so clearly. Could this just be an age thing? I read somewhere that some chins go through a really spindly stage when they're young.
I'm not sure I'd give an antibiotic, "just in case"...not with chinchillas. Likewise, fecals aren't always accurate, just really depends on the given sample they take.

That said, what does your vet consider "a healthy weight"? What did your chin weigh? You really DO need to have a scale at home that way you can monitor his weight and until you do, I'd personally take the wheel out. Food doesn't seem to be the issue, if he's eating and pooping there's something else at play if he's losing weight.
First, get a scale if you haven't yet. Take weights every couple days and monitor. I would remove the wheel. Weight gain takes weeks or months to get to where you can feel a change sometimes...which is why a scale is necessary. There are inexpensive gram scales for under $20....