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It goes by weight. Dyne is sugar and oil, I personally use it only as a LAST resort.

Edited to add:

I just read back on the thread and this chin has had digestive issues also, I would steer clear of the dyne, not worth the chance of further issues in that area.
dont use too much of the dyne. it is super concentrated and sugary. i have only used that in the beginning to get a chin to be handfed and periodically have used it to dip the tip of a syringe. a few drops of that goes a long way.

critical care is good but my chins prefer the Essentials for Life. Tanya sells it at: if you explain your situation,i am sure she will expedite an order. she has excellant products. in the meantime until it arrives, i would crush up pellets with a coffee grinder, add water & either baby food squash or canned pumpkin. just a teaspoon at a time until you get a smoother consistency. than go ahead and add a few drops of the Dyne to help add calories and sweeten the pellets. and try and syringe feed that in sevaral feedings to add up to 80- 160 cc's daily
Dosage of injectable baytril is different than oral - It's a different product. Your vet will have to calculate it based on his current weight. He should be able to do that right over the phone if you tell him how much he weighs.
Can somebody compare Oxbow Critical Care, Life Line, and Essentials for life, for me?

I have always just used CC, as its what my vet has always given me. I realize the other two arent vet disbursed, but are they better?
I personally use a 50% critical care 50% Lifeline mix on my dental chins, I use critical care only if I am dealing with a gut issue. I had no luck with Essentials.
i think that critical care & essentials for life are meal replacers. i know the efl has some herbal benefits. i love all the oxbow products but my chins just would NOT eat the CC, especially the anise flavor. i was able to force some of the apple banana but had to add stuff to it. its not a bad product, i just prefer the essential for life. i like the way it smells, my chins like it, and i really like tanya's products.
as for the lifeline. i love love love that product. it is a product made up of a lot of different herbs and other ingredients to help chins with several issues. while it probably could be used as a meal replacement, it is a bit rich and much more expensive per ounce.

personally i would use crushed up pellets, canned pumpkin and lifeline mix until the essentials for life arrived. than i would exclusively feed the EFL until your chin got their weight up and i would start mixing the crushed pellet to hopefully encourage your chin to eat pellets when all this passes. just my opinion. i am not an expert, but i have watched one of my boys goes thru a lot of teeth issues and digestive issues until i got it right.
wanted to add........either product is good and you gotta do whatever works for you and your chin. i hope everything works out. sometimes you just have to try everything to find the one thing that works and sometimes nothing works and thats when the decisions get hard. good luck.
How much of them do I need to purchase? Are they reconstituted 1:1?

Lifeline comes in two sizes, 3oz and 1lb. Which would I need?
Essentials comes in a multitude.....
I buy the LL by the pound, feeding one 24/7 I go through a pound a month with a 50/50 CC and LL mix. I would buy the 3 oz and see if he likes it first, same with the EFL. No need to buy a ton if he refuses to eat it. Just get as much CC down him now maybe add some pumpkin to it for flavor.

Started the pain meds Wednesday night, but held off on the baytril until we could get blood drawn Friday. Busprenex seems to be helping wonderfully.

Fridays visit went great, that pain med actually had him hopping. We did blood and a fecal and they both came back fine. No infection, so we did not do a course of antibiotics. The eye looks to have a large white blood cell plug thingy around the injured part, so we still cannot see the extent of the damage inside the eye. Prescribed Flubiprophen 2x day. And busprenex 2x also.

We are going to re-eval in another two weeks, and as soon as we can see the full extent of the damage we will get our answer on whether or not the eye is going to be removed.

Weight loss might be the biggest problem, although he is eating now on his own with the pain med. He will have to gain so much percent before surgery if thats necessary. We are praying to the intestinal gods that bloat does not make another appearance.