Help! I think my chinchilla has diarrhea

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Jun 21, 2014
I am new to this site and a relatively new Chinchilla owner. I adopted my Chinchilla from a friend of mine from high school who could no longer care for her. Before my friend, she had another owner (who I believe had small children who did not handle her well), so I am her third owner. I know that multiple owners is no good for a chinchilla and when I got her she was very mean and would bite. I have had her for a year and she has come a long way. She no longer bites and lets me pet her and she will sit in my hand, but she is still not fond of being held.

Anyway, it has been a year and this is the first time I am experiencing any kind of health problem with her. My boyfriend and I moved to a new apartment about a week ago (so I think that stress may be the cause). We tried to make the move as smooth as possible for her but she was definitely not too happy. As of 2 days ago her stool has been soft and it has been making a mess all over her cage. I did some reading and this sounds like it could be diarrhea, but I am not sure because her behavior has not changed. She is still active, eating, and her eyes are bright. The only problem seems to be the stool. I did some research and here is what I have done:
-cleaned and disinfected her cage and wheel, etc.
- i am giving her less pellets and more hay (timothy)
- i stopped all treats as of yesterday
- changed her water (purified) everyday
- given her 1 square of shredded wheat

Unfortunately, I do not have access to a vet until monday because the exotic vet near me is not in the office until then. Is there anything else I can do to help her get better before then?

No pellets at all. Just timothy hay. Keep her on the purified water. If you can get some activated charcoal sprinkle that on on a slightly damp half of a nonsugared mini-wheat. Give it to her a couple times a day. If you can't get activated charcoal, burn some toast completely black. It's going to take several times in the toaster and if you can put the toaster out a window you will be happier. It cannot resemble bread anymore. Break it into pieces and give her that. Don't ask me why, but they love it. Acidophilus sprinkled on her hay may also help. Try and keep her area calm and quiet until she settles in.

If after a couple days she is still having loose stools, get her checked at the vet. Is there any smell to the poop? Any mucous?
Thank you for all of the advice. I am going to see about getting the activated charcoal or burnt toast as well as giving her solely the hay.
The pellets aren't even pellets today. Her poo is a lighter brown and it's mushy. There is no mucus that I can tell and no smell to it. She seemed to have struggled a little to go though, which is not like her. She also seems a little less interested in coming up to me to say hi. It is 6pm where I am and she is asleep in a corner of her cage. I am going to call the vet tomorrow for sure.
If she is struggling to poop and she's acting lethargic, she definitely needs to see a vet. Is her tummy puffy? Does it feel like she's filled with air?
She does not look puffy at all and today she is a lot more active than yesterday. She is pooping more and they are in pellet form but it is still soft. She is behaving normally and eating her hay and drinking well.
Quick Update: She is behaving normally and I give her a small piece of shredded wheat and a tiny piece of apple. I have kept her on less pellets and more hay and purified water. Her stool has just about gone back to normal and she is doing well. :)
Glad to hear she is improving. I would recommend against giving any apple though. The sugars in the apple could cause or worsen digestive issues.