... and the Dynamic Duo!
Hey all. This isn't a health emergency, but rather... a call for input. Most of you know of Vette - she's somewhere in the realm of 5 years old and her age is catching up with her. She's still very steady on her feet and she gets the odd urge to wheel, but most of the time, she prefers to hang out in her nice warm bed. For the last few months, I've been leaving kibble in her bed so she doesn't have to go far to eat.
Within the last few months, she's also started to relieve herself in her bag. I've taken her to the vet to rule out any infections (all tests came back clear), and the vet suspects that her body is simply tired and we're on the downward spiral now. From how the vet explains it, her body just can't hold back the urge to urinate and she just goes wherever she is at that particular moment.
So I've been simply changing her bags out and giving her fresh ones daily. What I'm wondering... is there something else I can use to help wick the moisture away from her? Diapers? Pads? She doesn't have any urine burns because I give her a fresh bag whenever she needs one, but I want to keep her completely dry since she's also prone to hibernation. I'll be heading out of town in a few weeks for a couple days, and Vette is very much a one person hedgehog. My mom has great difficulties handling her and my room mate is terrified of her, so it's quite an ordeal to have them change her bag every morning. If I could figure out some way to suck the moisture away from her, perhaps I wouldn't worry so much about burns.
Does anyone have any ideas for me to make things easier on my old girl?
Within the last few months, she's also started to relieve herself in her bag. I've taken her to the vet to rule out any infections (all tests came back clear), and the vet suspects that her body is simply tired and we're on the downward spiral now. From how the vet explains it, her body just can't hold back the urge to urinate and she just goes wherever she is at that particular moment.
So I've been simply changing her bags out and giving her fresh ones daily. What I'm wondering... is there something else I can use to help wick the moisture away from her? Diapers? Pads? She doesn't have any urine burns because I give her a fresh bag whenever she needs one, but I want to keep her completely dry since she's also prone to hibernation. I'll be heading out of town in a few weeks for a couple days, and Vette is very much a one person hedgehog. My mom has great difficulties handling her and my room mate is terrified of her, so it's quite an ordeal to have them change her bag every morning. If I could figure out some way to suck the moisture away from her, perhaps I wouldn't worry so much about burns.
Does anyone have any ideas for me to make things easier on my old girl?