I made a long post, twice.... But they didn't turn out how I wanted... I will say this - If anyone has a problem with what I am trying to do, then don't post and bring down everyone elses happy thoughts and well wishes, and just go delete me from your friends list on facebook. And act like an adult and take it up with me privately, and take a chill pill.
The remark on my facebook page was neither related to this subject, or about this subject. And I don't appreciate being told that it was, I think I know what I post about
I honestly, don't care if you send "donations". My mission is cards with well wishes and happy thoughts.
The post on craigslist was asking for vet contact information of a vet that may take payments to have her very old large breed dog euthanized (vet suggestion). I told her I would see if I could find somewhere less than $200, or one that would take payments - yes, she was okay with me explaining to the people why. And people OFFERED to drop supplies off for her other pets. So, this is why I was "hitting up the vets". Happy and sad to say we found one that will go out to her house for half of that (and it's their normal rates).
She was feeling down today, so I mentioned the cards. And it brightened her day! We talked a little bit, and she said she didn't want to talk about it much that day because one of her sons told her he couldn't bring himself to go see her yet, and she had just given away her favorite horse two days before we went over. The canadian goose she raised from a baby finally spread its wings and went to go join its own kind.
She said she will feel more up to talking when she gets her will squared away, so she won't have to worry about what will happen to her pets.
And yes, she is okay with me posting here.
The remark on my facebook page was neither related to this subject, or about this subject. And I don't appreciate being told that it was, I think I know what I post about
I honestly, don't care if you send "donations". My mission is cards with well wishes and happy thoughts.
The post on craigslist was asking for vet contact information of a vet that may take payments to have her very old large breed dog euthanized (vet suggestion). I told her I would see if I could find somewhere less than $200, or one that would take payments - yes, she was okay with me explaining to the people why. And people OFFERED to drop supplies off for her other pets. So, this is why I was "hitting up the vets". Happy and sad to say we found one that will go out to her house for half of that (and it's their normal rates).
She was feeling down today, so I mentioned the cards. And it brightened her day! We talked a little bit, and she said she didn't want to talk about it much that day because one of her sons told her he couldn't bring himself to go see her yet, and she had just given away her favorite horse two days before we went over. The canadian goose she raised from a baby finally spread its wings and went to go join its own kind.
She said she will feel more up to talking when she gets her will squared away, so she won't have to worry about what will happen to her pets.
And yes, she is okay with me posting here.