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Oct 19, 2023
Hi there! My name is Shannon and I just registered. I've been lurking and learning here since I got my first chin almost 3 years ago.
His name is Po. I got him from an old coworker when he rehomed all of his chins. Po is about 8 years old and is a standard. He weighs just over 700 g and is just the light of my life!
About 6 months later I thought he must be lonely and I went to the pet store, 'just to look' and I found Finnegan. I obviously don't know his exact age either but he wasn’t full grown and I figure he was maybe 6 months old. I couldn't resist his sweet little face and I left the store with him that day. I'm not completely sure what color he is, to my eye he looks violet but he has pink ears, no freckles, and at the end of the day it really doesn't matter to me, he's never going to be bred and no matter the color he is my little love. He also weighs around 700 g.
My boys never bonded so I've got them each in their own double critter nation. They each have a metal flying saucer, houses, toys, etc etc. I made every fleece liner and shelf, and can't imagine life without them.
About 6 months ago I saw Po kind of fussing at his mouth and he quit chewing his wood. I was heartbroken, thinking malo, and was ready to take him to the vet, but he started chewing again, though not with the gusto he used to. I've kept a close eye on him since, and the other day he started fussing again. This time is a lot more intense and now he's not eating his pellets either, and his eye looks a little bit glassy.
He has an appointment Monday morning. We've never had to see one before. I'm terrified. I have decided that if it's malo involving the roots, he will be crossing the bridge immediately. If we're lucky enough that it's something treatable I will move heaven and earth to help him. But I will not make him suffer just because I can't let go and will give him that final gift and will say goodbye.
I already know that I'm going to be adding another chin to my family when that day comes. I know that there used to be several very good breeders here in Michigan but don't know if they still breed. Anyone know, particularly Jags and Becky? I will never get another from a pet store, regardless how much I love them or how much they have added to my life. I never wanted to travel the malo road. I know that there never are guarantees but I'll do anything to minimize the risk.
I will be posting pictures soon. I looked for any of the ones I've taken and it looks like I have accidentally deleted them all 😞 I had so many treasured pictures and now I have none. I will be doing playtime with them and will be taking pictures and video, especially since time may be so short. I know pics are required around here and will get some up soon.
Have a great weekend everyone, it's great to be here and I hope to get to know everyone and their fuzzies!
Hi tunes, thank you for the welcome.

I just got home from Po's vet appointment. Thankfully my boyfriend went with me, I suspected that I'd need it. We didn't get any good news 😢 His top front teeth were broken and misaligned. His back teeth had bad points. And he had root involvement all the way around, with his jaw breached. Needless to say, I did the hardest right thing I've ever had to do and said goodbye. I'm heartbroken and barely got the words out, but I just couldn't put him through treatments that could never fix it.
I almost canceled the appointment this morning, when I got up he was bright eyed and bushy tailed, begging for a treat. He had chewed on some new toys I hung for him yesterday, he ate a good amount overnight. All signs that he was on the upswing. I had hope, and was feeling pretty positive heading to the vet. I guess he wanted to give me one last memory.
I miss him so much. He made it through so many things! I got him from someone who meant well and wanted to do the right thing and just didn't have the knowledge. He came to me with several different brands of food, all filled with nuts and fruits, bad treats, no hay, a death ball, etc. He lived through a 90+ degree heatwave with no a/c just before I finally got him. I found this website when I got him and was able to fix those things but couldn't fix the damage that had already been done.
I hope he knew how much I love him.

Now I'm looking at his empty cage, and I don't know what to do about it. I have some tile that I bought for the cages, and without an extra cage to hold one of the boys while I installed it, it's still just sitting there. So I guess step one is to disassemble and deep clean it, then reassemble it and install the tile finally, then I can put Finnegan in that one and do the same thing with the other one. THEN I can look for a new family member. Plus it gives me time to find one.
Does anybody know if Jags and/or Becky are still breeding here in Michigan? I know there used to be many reputable breeders in Ohio and/or Indiana also. I'm in southeast Michigan, near Detroit, and I'm willing to drive for the right chinny, can anyone point me in the right direction?