Been reading and trying advice iv read from this forum for a long time, always find it so helpful and i finally decided to join. Chinchillas have been in my life for many years since i was a child, my mom raised them and i got "my" first chinny when i was 9, even though id been around them in our home for many years before that, nothing compares to that first little ball of fur lol. Few years later my mom had decided to raise hedgies and got out of breeding chins and only had a few retired females and males that stayed. I got the first hedgie born and again, fell in love lol. Years later when i was no longer living at home i was breeding chins for a bit too, had ferrets, many fresh and saltwater fish and 2 sugar gliders that i also bred but i started getting sick and was unable in my opinion to be able to spend as much time with them as i personally felt i should be, lucky for me, over so many years of dealing with other chin lovers i was able to find homes for all my chinnies and my 3 ferrets but kept my suggies. My mom a few years later had decided to retire breeding altogether and kept a few of her older females, with starting to feel i was having a handle on my disabilities and with a supporting partner who loves animals as much as i do and really missing my first hedgie after he passed not long before, i had taken on one of them, Amphy, she was with us until about 3 years ago, id love to one day have another but it was a very hard loss and still not ready to bond with another hedgie yet. With the last 5 years having a better understanding of my limitations and a partner who is so devoted to animals and helping me we are able to give a great home to our fur babies and our ones with scales too. We only have 1 chin named Sabbath, hes full of spunk and loves to snuggle and im in the process of a new cage design for him and in hopes within the next year possibly get a second and hope to one day have them as cage mates but that is neither here nor there yet but for now, Sabbath has his current cage to himself and soon with the new cage on its way, a ferret nation to himself. Im a huge animal lover, always have been, even though i have support from my partner, its just not the same as that feeling u get from a loving pet companion. My limitations often leave me feeling helpless and not needed and even though it seems like a simple task to feed, snuggle and just spend time with a pet to the average person, those little things help me feel needed