Active member
Hello C n H members
Wanted to thank you for all great information that we have here!
I am a foster mom of a gray standard chin called Eros... He's been with us for few weeks only and I must admit that my challenge here is not to be a foster failure. :0)
Eros is from the Canadian Chinchilla Rescue and although I have extensive experience with dogs and cats, Eros is my first chin, so the forum has be sooo helpful, you have no idea!
Thank you and I look forward to learning more from you.
Wanted to thank you for all great information that we have here!
I am a foster mom of a gray standard chin called Eros... He's been with us for few weeks only and I must admit that my challenge here is not to be a foster failure. :0)
Eros is from the Canadian Chinchilla Rescue and although I have extensive experience with dogs and cats, Eros is my first chin, so the forum has be sooo helpful, you have no idea!
Thank you and I look forward to learning more from you.