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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Welcome to the forum, My advice would be to pull up a few chairs and start reading. There is tons of excellent information here.

Tunes is right. Many of the "experts" give conflicting or outright incorrect information. For example, some recommend giving fruits and veggies to a chin, which is totally wrong. Then there is the raisin issue- they are bad treats, too high in sugar and have been linked to a condition called bloat, which is often fatal in chinchillas.

I would definitely research as a family if you are serious about getting exotic pets for your children. Also, know that many chins are not cuddly and they definitely have special requirements like air conditioning and a safe cage minus wire ramps.

So again, welcome, this is a great place to do your research. :)
Oh yes! We had quite a Zoo when I was younger. We kept anything that would fit into our house. From Lizards to Dogs. We had them all!