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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Hello Everyone :)

My name is Kelli. I am married to Charles and have 4 kids. 2 girls(Maggie and Heather) and 2 sons(John and Mark).
Our 2 girls have recently brought up the topic at the dinner table(5 nights in a row) about Chinchillas.
And now, our sons are bringing up about Hedgehogs at the dinner table(6 nights in a row)

I told them that with research, that MAYBE they could get a couple. But, they would have to research before though.

So just be warned, new and future Chin 'n' Hedgie momma coming through!

Signed, Kelli :)
Welcome to the forum. If you have questions you cannot find on here, please don't hesitate to ask. Hedgehogs and chinchillas have very different care requirements, so read lots about both.
Welcome to CnH! Have fun researching the differences and figuring out which pet will work best for your family!
Welcome Kelli! Persistance pays off and obviously all of your kids know this lol! There is a lot of information here on the forum for you to read over. Chins and hedgies are both very cute--and opposites of each other in that hedgies need warm climate and chins prefer cold. Lots of our members have both though!
Yes. Apparently, we are going to be a very furry family. Daughters want Chinchillas, Sons want Hedgies and now HUSBAND wants Ferrets! What is wrong with our family? xD

Thanks for welcoming me guys :)

Our daughters already announced a bunch of facts. Their school library has a ton of books on Chinchillas.

Our Sons, well they need a little persistence.
welcome to the forum. and your doing by right by teaching to look up about the animals before they bring them into your hoem and get board with them. not too sure about hedge hogs but chins can likve 20 years plus.. and need excercise everyday... and i'm not going to lie to you but ****** can get expensive.. i do have few sites that can help you get chews,dust and other things that they need cheep. i'll send ya amessage with all the sties to get this stuff. and infromation chins as well ..
welcome to the forum. and your doing by right by teaching to look up about the animals before they bring them into your hoem and get board with them. not too sure about hedge hogs but chins can likve 20 years plus.. and need excercise everyday... and i'm not going to lie to you but ****** can get expensive.. i do have few sites that can help you get chews,dust and other things that they need cheep. i'll send ya amessage with all the sties to get this stuff. and infromation chins as well ..
Thank you so much! We just decided this today and have been very busy(We are having to put our two dogs down) so I haven't gotten to research much.

Our local vet said he takes in all small animals(Including Hedgehogs) so we're good on Vet Care.
Our daughters already announced a bunch of facts. Their school library has a ton of books on Chinchillas.

Now you can tell your daughter to pretty much disregard anything she read there, other than maybe where they came from. :)

Pretty much any book published, other than a few that you won't find in a library or store is going to be wrong. Be sure to have her read through the various forums here instead. She'll learn much more.
Now you can tell your daughter to pretty much disregard anything she read there, other than maybe where they came from. :)

Pretty much any book published, other than a few that you won't find in a library or store is going to be wrong. Be sure to have her read through the various forums here instead. She'll learn much more.
Really? When I owned Guinea Pigs as a little girl they were usually always right.

Hmm.....Better tell her to return those books :)

P.S she hasn't read here yet. I just joined her tonight so.
Now you can tell your daughter to pretty much disregard anything she read there, other than maybe where they came from. :)

Pretty much any book published, other than a few that you won't find in a library or store is going to be wrong. Be sure to have her read through the various forums here instead. She'll learn much more.

Welcome to the forum, My advice would be to pull up a few chairs and start reading. There is tons of excellent information here.

Tunes is right. Many of the "experts" give conflicting or outright incorrect information. For example, some recommend giving fruits and veggies to a chin, which is totally wrong. Then there is the raisin issue- they are bad treats, too high in sugar and have been linked to a condition called bloat, which is often fatal in chinchillas.

I would definitely research as a family if you are serious about getting exotic pets for your children. Also, know that many chins are not cuddly and they definitely have special requirements like air conditioning and a safe cage minus wire ramps.

So again, welcome, this is a great place to do your research. :)
Hi and welcome!

I would also look through some of the recommended vets for your area - many vets do not know much about chinchillas (some can't even properly sex them!) and having a knowlegable vet handy is very important to find before you need them. If you post your location people in your area may be able to recommend a vet and/or a good breeder for you to find your perfect chins if you decide they are right for your family.

Be sure to read FAQs, post questions in the new chin owner section or anywhere else they belong for that matter:thumbsup:

Or talk with us in chat - we don't bite...hard.:neener:
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Thanks guys :)

Have already read a little bit. Researched a couple cages. Not for sure which one to get though.
Your family sounds like our family, lol. We have quite the small zoo here, and I absolutely love it that way! We're happy to have you here!
The book rule also applies to the hedgehogs too. There are few good books out there, and even those start to quickly become outdated. There are actually several books published in the 90s that contain information that is harmful and could possibly kill a hedgehog (mostly bad dietary recommendations).

You will find the best information about how to properly care for both types of animals from talking to people on these forums. You'll find differing opinions, and will still need to use some judgment as to which to believe. But if someone posts something harmful, you'll know it as there are plenty of people who will correct the information.