My hedgehog lily just turned one and I just noticed she has been losing a lot of fur. It is almost as bad as if you hold a cat (there's a decent amount of hair). She did just move locations so it might be stress related. I'm really worried about her and there is little definite data online I've googled a lot. Most people say mites or ringworm but she doesn't have any of the other symptoms. The only thing is she is losing hair. I haven't seen any quills, there are no red bumps or redness of any kind and she doesn't wobble or have crusty anything. She poops she runs she acts relatively normal. I do notice that if she doesn't get let out for a day or two (if I go away or something) she isn't as active outside of her cage but continues to run and be active at night in her cage. I really am worried and any information would be great I'm a relatively new hedgehog owner.