Hedgie losing hair

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New member
Aug 19, 2011
My hedgehog lily just turned one and I just noticed she has been losing a lot of fur. It is almost as bad as if you hold a cat (there's a decent amount of hair). She did just move locations so it might be stress related. I'm really worried about her and there is little definite data online I've googled a lot. Most people say mites or ringworm but she doesn't have any of the other symptoms. The only thing is she is losing hair. I haven't seen any quills, there are no red bumps or redness of any kind and she doesn't wobble or have crusty anything. She poops she runs she acts relatively normal. I do notice that if she doesn't get let out for a day or two (if I go away or something) she isn't as active outside of her cage but continues to run and be active at night in her cage. I really am worried and any information would be great I'm a relatively new hedgehog owner.
It may be a stress reaction. I've had a few go through a bit of a shedding phase. You are doing everything right, watching for other symptoms, checking poop and activity levels. Is she itchy? How about her new environment, is it warmer or cooler than before? Does she have any bald patches? Is there new fur growing in? A bath might sooth her if there is any itching. Otherwise if other things seem to be okay and she is not balding, it may simply be stress.
She isn't itchy and I don't think it's much cooler than before. So far no bald patches that I can notice and I can't really see any new fur. I did also change her food to this 3in1 hedge hog food thing just to see if she liked it which I head might make hedgehogs stressed out especially if they change environments and food.
Mine had been itching for a few days because the ceiling fan dries his skin out so he was shedding. I gave him an oatmeal bath and all was fine. I'm moving to a new place with A/C tomorrow and I think he's more excited than I am!!