I am a first time hedgie owner
I just got my hog almost a week ago, he is 3 months old
When we first got him he was always running around his cage and on his wheel, that boy barely stopped! But he was also escaping his cage a lot so we made the walls of it taller (its a C&C cage)
Now he sleeps all day and night, he only gets energetic when I take him out to bond. His cage thermometer usually says its mid/high 70s. I've also noticed that he only poops when I have him out, I take him out a few times a day and he poos 3-4 'pellets' each time
We have his cage in the living room which we spend most of our time in so we would be able to hear the crunching of him eating food but it doesn't happen anymore. We also check on him before bed and in the morning his food seems untouched. I feed him treats when he has a good bonding session with me (which is most of the time) and he'll nibble on his food a bit then but then goes straight back to his house to sleep
Me being the big worry wart that I am, I'm just wondering if this is normal hedgie behaviors
I just got my hog almost a week ago, he is 3 months old
When we first got him he was always running around his cage and on his wheel, that boy barely stopped! But he was also escaping his cage a lot so we made the walls of it taller (its a C&C cage)
Now he sleeps all day and night, he only gets energetic when I take him out to bond. His cage thermometer usually says its mid/high 70s. I've also noticed that he only poops when I have him out, I take him out a few times a day and he poos 3-4 'pellets' each time
We have his cage in the living room which we spend most of our time in so we would be able to hear the crunching of him eating food but it doesn't happen anymore. We also check on him before bed and in the morning his food seems untouched. I feed him treats when he has a good bonding session with me (which is most of the time) and he'll nibble on his food a bit then but then goes straight back to his house to sleep
Me being the big worry wart that I am, I'm just wondering if this is normal hedgie behaviors