1. I have 2-well annoying-brothers and 1 sister. At what time would you suggest 'introducing' them? I know after he/her is settled. By after how many days/weeks?
How old are your brothers and sister?
2. I heard you can feed your hedgie baby food? Is that safe?
Yes! Favorites often include butternut squash, sweet potato, peas, turkey, chicken, carrots, and the meat/veggie blends.
3. If I am holding my hedgehog, is it possible... that the hedgie will go to the bathroom on me.. Like other small pets.... Or because they are neater than most small animals... will it be less likely to happen?
Depends on the hedgehog. Here's 4 as examples:
Satin - yes and no... she liked to run from hand to hand and go potty while being held. We tried putting her in her litter box to go potty when we saw her tail go up (tail popping out in a "turkey's done!" fashion is a sign of impending poop/pee), then she wouldn't go. We'd pick her back up, tail came out. We settled it by holding her over her litter box with our fingers spread wide apart to let the poop and pee fall into the litter box. After awhile, we referred to this activity as "pooping the hog" as in: "Can you poop the hog while I clean her cage?" -- which just meant sitting with her and the litter box, letting her run from hand to hand and holding her over the litter box when she paused to go. From there, she was "safe" for about an hour or so.
Tex - would *never* go in public. Only under the cover of darkness in his home. He loved to be held and we held him for hours with no risk of messies. He only pooped on me twice - when he was ill.
Bella - she's a hedgiebag pooper. When holding her, she generally won't go on us. But if she has a hedgiebag to run into when out, she'll go in there and the pee will definitely leak through. We've stopped using hedgiebags with her for that reason. Now, when she has to go, she starts getting a bit frantic and bitey. So we get her either back to her home or into a litter box right quick. Ignore the signs and you'll get messy!
Marlee - she's a baby. Mostly, she just likes burrowing up my sleeve and falling asleep there. She has made messies on my (not up sleeve) with reckless abandon... but she's a baby. So she's still adapting.
4. If I put towels on the floor in the bathroom or fleece, will the hedgehog then be safe?
Like to let hedgie run around? Naw... I wouldn't. Bathroom floors tend to be yucky and cold. For exercise, get a good wheel and put it in hedgie's cage. Fleece is better than towels... towels have loops of fabric in which hedgie can snag a nail and either get stuck there or rip out a nail
I think, after hedgie comes home, you'll have a better sense if hedgie is a snuggler or an explorer... and then can make some decisions about the best way to safely let hedgie explore.