Hay 101

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I have switched him from Sunaturals to Mazuri. There is a good possibility that he only ate the treats from Sunaturals. He ate two mazuri pellets last night, and two tonight. I hand fed him and he ate them like he eats treats. But he wouldn't eat any more. And he isn't eating the pellets from his food bowl. I am wondering if his mouth is still sore. He does the same with the hay. Eats well for a few minutes, then stops.

We just gave him another 5 mL of CC, he ate it very willingly, but at 5 mL he pushes it away and grinds his teeth. So, 10 mL of CC for today.
If he isn't eating well with the hay and pellets I would definitely try to get more in him than 10ml. If he will only take in 5ml at a time I would feed him more often throughout the day. Unless he is consuming a ton of hay he isn't eating near enough to maintain his weight.

You are probably right that his mouth is still sore, and if that's the case you may have to push more CC on him. When I was hand feeding a chin who wasn't consuming anything other than CC he ate upwards of 60ml daily. Most chins have to eat at least 60ml daily to maintain their weight. Are you using a syringe, or is he eating it willingly off a spoon/bowl?
Mostly the syringe, he holds it like a baby bottle :)

He will lick a little off of the spoon, but it would take forever to feed him at that rate.
Ok, I was making sure you were syringing it to him. If you squeeze the CC in his mouth he should swallow it even if he is pushing it away. I use the burrito method where I basically wrap the chin in a towel so that their little hands can't push it away because they can't get to it. I am able to get more food in them that way.
Monday- Timothy
Tuesday- Oat
Wednesday- Timothy
Thursday- Orchard Grass
Friday- Timothy
Saturday- Alfalfa
Sunday- Oat

This isn't something you have to do by any means. For me it just makes my guys consume more hay which is exactly what I want them to do.

Great menu!!!
My chins don't have any malo problems, thanks to all.
I just orderd 50LB of Timothy hay bail for my chins. I ordered some packages of Oat and Alfalfa. My chins love love love Alfalfa, but after reading some of your answers, I decided to reduce alfalfa from their diet. Actually, I reduce the amount dramatically...

Only thing is that before I read this thread, I mixed all those kinds of hay up in a large hay bag that I had bought from a member on this forum (which is excellent).
I remember that I fet them Bermuda hay (?) a year ago or so ocasionally, and they loved it. I don't see the kind of hay for sale online anymore.
What's your thought on Bermuda hay?
This isn't something you have to do by any means. For me it just makes my guys consume more hay which is exactly what I want them to do.[/QUOTE]