That looks real nice. How did you cover the 3 openings on the top and sides were the tubes went?
You probably can't see it but I'm using a white side panel off of this same type of cage for the top. One of the sides has a door, the other has a big piece of wood blocking it.
Tara - You're telling me that with 25 or 30 pounds of wood in that cage, you consider it easy to just "lift right out" and clean?
Are you calling me a wuss??
It weighs less than the two bags of feed, bag of alfalfa cubes, bale of hay and bag of sweet PDZ I unloaded -
in 111 degrees yesterday.
They get wobbly with time because the plastic connectors stretch,
This is true, this cage and it's connectors are over 10 years old, some have been replaced with crab pot clips, hog rings, or fencing wire. The panels do bend and if I'm having a real bad day I'll get one that bends out over the edge. I only pull it off the pan and hose it/scrub the shelves once a month. I also use pelleted bedding, if I filled it up with shavings and those got strung all over I probably wouldn't be as happy.
the little handles that lock them down on the bottom fall off or get stuck.
These didn't come with those - the weight of the cage holds it down pretty securely.
They are a constant annoyance and you are the first person I have ever heard of who has said they are in any way easy to clean.
Compared to the other bizarre stuff I get with surrenders these are a godsend. There is nothing that attaches them to the base, they are all interchangeable, and the panels have held up better than any other cage I've owned. They are the only ones that made the trip south - everything else (including a Quality Mansion) had started to rust and after 8 years of hard use were not worth bringing down.
I will admit that they are not the most attractive and I'd rather have custom built wood cages but I can move these by myself. The Ferret Nations are on wheels but I can't pick one up to haul it up and down my stairs into the house. That's the main reason I haven't built myself some nice custom wood cages. Have to build a deck with a ramp first.