Has anyone done this kind of cage before?

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My guess is no, that no one's done that for a chin here. Chins need cool temps with adequate airflow, so those seem no better than a large aquarium, which are not recommended for housing chins. When you don't get airflow, the ammonia from their pee can build up, and if your house isn't cool enough it can heat up in their cage. This is why when people do build cages they leave the front open with hardware cloth, not acrylic.
IF the upper portion (the actual cage housing area) were closed with wire on the front...instead of glass and the inside was lined with melamine it would probably work...but really not worth it IMO
I have to say it's a really neat idea for other small animals, but for a chinchilla it wouldn't work at all.
agreed. wouldn't work for a chin for a couple of reasons:

1 - the air flow/ventilation is lacking. with chins having so much hair and lacking the ability to sweat, they need all the air they can get. they also require air conditioning if the room they are in goes above 70F, and/or the humidity is high.

2 - chins like to jump up and down between shelves and levels. a horizontally aligned cage like that wouldn't be much fun for them.

i must say, the Jenga block water bottle holder is quite cute though! wonder if Jenga blocks are safe for chins?
Ok, well not an exact duplicate of course. It wouldn't be hard to add additional ventilation, and even a second level for chins to jump up on. Doesn't it get your imagination going? It's just impressive how she was able to replicate a much more realistic habitat for the hamsters as well as make a modern piece of art work as well as furniture!
It is a very neat cage, although not for chinchillas. I see that one was built for a dwarf hamster?! Wow, that hammy is living like a king in that thing! lol..

The only thing I might be concerned about even for hamsters is air flow.