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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
I recently baught a hammock and my chin does not go in it at all he tries to go in it if I have some food in my hand but when he puts his paw in and the hammock weighs down he competley backs away and does not go in it at all. (and I have tried ALOT, even when I'm putting him back in the cage I put him in the hammock and he speedly runs out :/)

So at the moment I have the fleece hammock folded and layed down on the mesh floor in the conner of the cage and he likes to sleep in it alot.

But what can I do when I hang the hommock up? any advise and have your chins had the same problems?

Or is it best to leave it on the floor as he enjoyes sleeping in it, hes in it now sleeping :) Thaanks everyone.
I don't have any advice for you but just wanted to let you know I have the same problem and will be looking to see if there's anything to do about it as well! haha
Some chins like hammocks, some don't. I would put it up and not force the issue. You may walk into the room and find him sleeping peacefully in it on some random day. That's what happened with a couple of my guys. Hammocks don't have solid footing, so I'm sure it takes them a while to figure out how to use them and feel safe.

Also, one of my guys seemed to not like his hammock, but I would find evidence that he had been there when I wasn't watching (poos)...;)
90% of the chins here like hammocks, the other 10% don't really care for it. I always have one hanging in the cage anyway just in case they change their mind. I agree with Nikki. Don't force the issue. I would hang the hammock back up so that he has the option and also make a fleece pillow for the bottom of the cage since he seems to like sleeping there as well.
haha poos make great evidene to find out where they've been lol oh yes I have a fleece pillow my chins loves it he sleeps next to it all the time. The hammock I'll put it back up and see how it goes if not then just keep it on the floor as something soft to be on.

Here are some pics of the hammock up and down to give you guys an idea of how I had it set out, and if theres something wrong in the cage let me know :)

Sorry about the size.

Oh and in the pic below the hay does not be in the ball its in a built-in square holder. much bigger and more hay.

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I had a hammock hanging in the cage for over a month before my chin started using it. One day, I just walked in and he was snoozing away. Now he's in it all the time!
I have had a hammock in my boys' cage since I brought them home a month ago & neither seem to like it or want to use it :(. They prefer to snuggle in their fleece tube :)
My 2 are using their hammock and also fleece pillows I have up on a high ledge. They did not use the hammock during the summer, but now that it's cooler they are using it. I don't know why that is.... but regardless, they're using it now. I'd hang it up and give it time.
I had the same issue with my munchkin. At first, she wanted nothing to do with it, but then I hung the four corners much farther apart, hoping that if the surface was more taut and didn't sag so much under her weight, she's feel more secure. This has definitely helped, and I've left one of her favorite chew sticks in the center, hoping that would tempt her to sit on it and chew. She's no longer afraid of it, which is a good start. She hasn't yet figured out that it's a comfy place to sleep, but she does use it kind of like a trampoline or springboard between two of her favorite perches. Since it's also stretched out in the middle between two levels in her cage, I figure it's also a good safeguard if she should miss a shelf and fall.

I guess the point of all that, is try hanging it in different spots and see if maybe one doesn't make it more appealing. If you're lucky like me, your chin will find some use for it, even if as a trampoline and not a bed lol.
Haha, I love how in the first picture your chin is like, "Whatchu lookin at?"

Chichi never liked hammocks. I bought her a Hidey house made of fleece from a member here on the board and she loves it!