Mt. Zion Chins
Erinchins lives in Johnson City, TN. I am going to guess my SS is Volunteerchin22??. Got my great gift - chins are going to love it. Will post a picture later
Anyone making a spreadsheet like they did last year??? I thought that was a big undertaking!!!
I know some people like to guess other people's SS's, so here's my clues
1 - Chinchilla lanigera
2 - Grammostola rosea
which would be...
1. chinchilla
2. tarantula
So my guess is Silverrose?
Oh...who did that?? I can't remember...
I didn't know Tunes was 'in'. I didn't see her name of the list. Boy seems volunteerchin22 was extremely busy
Here are my clues:
1. College student
2. Loves the show Dexter
I tried looking around for Dexter, but didn't have much help. Based on the first clue, my guess was Brittany, but I am not 100% sure.
These are the clues I got:
1st clue – Once upon a time, there lived three little pigs and no wolf…
2nd clue – We don’t need a wolf in this story because the third little piggy huffed and puffed enough for a dozen wolves.
I feel like the big, bad wolf in my little story, because I am STALKING everyone on the SS list trying to figure out who my SS could be!
1. My favorite animals are dogs, horses, chinchillas, and large parrots
2. My chinchillas are extremely picky, and because of this I have to buy 3 different brands of pellets
I think I have an idea... but I must stalk more and will need clue #3 to confirm.
Brittany is a music teacher