Lynn & The Chins
The Chinchilla WhisKerer
Yep, gonna' need that final clue -- I haven't been stalking!!!
My 2 clues:
1. I've broken every finger on my right hand since August.
2. I refuse to admit my chinchilla was priming, so I was calling her ugly.
Ok, so based on Melissa's spreadsheet...
LOL just kidding... I am totally guessing my SS is a male, based on a few factors that to me, give off a male vibe, which leads me to believe my SS is Rob Walker!![]()
I still don't know!
1) I'm a geek.
2) And a gleek.
3) But would never eat anything with a beak.
I still don't know, either!!!
What the heck -- I might as well say I'm opening my gift tonight or tomorrow!!!
OK, Mish, the pressure's off -- can you REALLY wait until Christmas???