Christina Noraas
phrasing: "I accuse Amy555, in California, with the fleece."
I need a like button for that statement.
phrasing: "I accuse Amy555, in California, with the fleece."
My 2 clues:
1. I've broken every finger on my right hand since August.
2. I refuse to admit my chinchilla was priming, so I was calling her ugly.
Ok, so based on Melissa's spreadsheet...
LOL just kidding... I am totally guessing my SS is a male, based on a few factors that to me, give off a male vibe, which leads me to believe my SS is Rob Walker!
PFT! Rob would never call Neve ugly. He loves her too much. Plus, she would get even if she knew he said such a thing. Remeber she rules that house.
Also, I've broken 4 of my 5 fingers on my right hand, and 3 on my left. :tease:
WHATEVER! You're not even playing AND you haven't broken ALL of your fingers on your right hand! :neener:
Yes; yes I did. I'm a research project coordinator in real life, so... uh... stuff like making spreadsheets... it cannot be really make a spreadsheet?
Yes; yes I did. I'm a research project coordinator in real life, so... uh... stuff like making spreadsheets... it cannot be stopped. really make a spreadsheet?
I'm giggling over here, I think some of you have graduated to stalker status! This is so much fun,and I'm only on the side lines!