Orchestrating Chaos
ok, so what is this fire poi I;m being accused of? lol
I'm told my SS knows who I am...but she hasn't actually SAID she thinks it's me yet. :neener: I dare my recipient to come forward!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
I am going to guess ticklechin?
I am still saying that my SS is Godins Chins, the last clue is more confusing than the first, but its so much fun guessing.
Okay okay I confess I didnt look past the first two clues and blacks are my favorite could mean SOOOO many things. I have to say the CHinny are soooo Happy with their SS gifts, I have to get a picture of Sumo in his Hammock.Blacks are my favorite!!
My third clue was no help at all!!!!
Clue #3: I'm a driving cat
What's a driving cat?? Like you drive the CAT machines???
I'm gonna guess Threewingedfury!
Maybe your SS is a 'Cougar'
There was a character on SNL that had a similar, but not the same, name as your SS!!! :neener: