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Babies are for siblings so you can babysit them and send them home with a sugar high. :thumbsup:

Someone got it!

I understood what you said. From what I understood the thread was NOT about not having kids ever but about having kids, being done and being happy about not having to tend to all the mother stuff. Some moms are thrilled when all the hard work is done. Some moms grieve the empty nest. I grieved for about a month and then was over it lol.

On one hand, I feel sad for someone that never has kids. It is true, the love for a child is like no other love. On the other hand, I am envious because they'll never have the kind of worry you have for your kids. Even now that mine is moved out, I still worry when I shouldn't be worrying.

It is true that some people should never have kids.. Look at the mom that shook her baby to death because it's crying interrupted her Farmville game :banghead:
I love being "done" too! And I don't mind turning 50 this fall.

While I wouldn't change a thing...........that whole baby thing was just not for me. I love my daughter and she will be twelve this year. I'm loving my freedom again!!
I love sleeping in.
Being able to read books without! mom! MOMMY!!!!!
No backwashed drinks. Ewww
No more little kid shows. I just can't stand Elmo and his gang of nitwits. Dora the explorer was a last raw nerve for me.
I missed out on the "terrible two's" and we nearly didn't survive the horrible three's. It was a close call for my daughter. She didn't know just how close she came to death. :hilarious: ( its a joke of course)
I don't miss having to wipe every single public item down before I can seat my child.
I don't miss having to "visit the bathroom" because they are sick of sitting at a table while your having dinner out.
I am sooo loving my daughter being able to shower and wash her own hair.
It's good to be "done"......