Grumpy quilling baby Hedgie!

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I'm a Hedgie kinda girl
Apr 2, 2011
I have a baby hedgehog who has just started quilling...and is very grumpy! Is there anything I can do to ease her discomfort? I know baths are supposed to help but she is still not used to them so I don't want to make her more uncomfortable. I have been snuggling her and giving her mealies which seems to improve her mood for a few seconds. Worst of all, we changed her cage yesterday before we realized she was she is even more grumpy and unsure. Should I put her back in her old cage, or leave her in the new one? Can I do anything else to make her feel better?

Leave her in the new bedding, especially since she has had sneezing issues with the old. A warm oatmeal bath every couple of days will help ease her sore skin. You don't actually need to put her in the water, but can pour it over her. Many hedgehogs stress big time at baths but standing on a non slippery surface with water poured over them is less stressful.
We still have a grumpy hedgehog on our hands, but it has lessened quite a bit. We also bought some meal worms which she hasn't had before. I took approx. 3 seconds for her to discover and eat them right out of our hands while we were holding her! We had never had any luck hand feeding her before but as soon as it was a meal worm she was in love. Now we are able to feed her anything from our hands and she is happy as long as one of those things is a mealworm. What a sweetie.
Leave her in the new bedding, especially since she has had sneezing issues with the old. A warm oatmeal bath every couple of days will help ease her sore skin. You don't actually need to put her in the water, but can pour it over her. Many hedgehogs stress big time at baths but standing on a non slippery surface with water poured over them is less stressful.
my hedgehog goes insane at any sign of wetness lol to point where i give him baths i put his wheel in the bathtub and he cleans it himself :D