grooming alot...

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
does anyones male chinchilla enjoy their special bath time too much?? Gizmo checks his male parts all the time....stretching it out and grooming it a few times a week. I swear he loves showing it off!!!! each time I worry about hair rings, but i've never seen any. Is he just a typical man? :laughitup:

this is kind of a embarassing question to ask but is it normal for a chin to have very large testicles? I just noticed gizmo's and they are huge!!!! And they are quite pink color. Is this normal?
any thought on the really large testicles? I know I sound strange, but I guess I'm just shocked at the size of them on such a small animal.
Ok good ...I was afraid they were swollen!!! lol...? I haven't seen them in a few months and last time I noticed them they were small and all of a sudden BAM!! LOL
a couple of my boys have larger testicles than the others. since all but one of mine are rescues I wonder if any of them have been neutered. and if the neutering would affect their testicle size.
wait im confused, isn't when an animal neutered, their testicles are cut off?
a couple of my boys have larger testicles than the others. since all but one of mine are rescues I wonder if any of them have been neutered. and if the neutering would affect their testicle size.

None of the guys from me have been neutered. I had thought Snickers MAY have been neutered, because his haven't "dropped" - but Monika informed me that he hadn't been.
wait im confused, isn't when an animal neutered, their testicles are cut off?

Neutering is the removal of the testicles. I just recently had my dog neutered, and they removed his testicles, but left the scrotum in tact - so it's just an "empty pocket" there now.....nothing inside.
Thanks Jill!
I just took out Klinger & Jack (separately) last night! They are both so funny. Jack is just so beautiful. And I call Klinger my little mouse. Got good weights on them both.
All of them are doing well.

As for the testicles, I noticed a couple of mine are very prominent, like the size of a grape. and then a couple others have sorta like knobs or buttons, maybe the size of a pencil eraser?? I am not sure if it is relative to the time of day or position, as I personally do not have a reference point. ;)
lol!! I havent gotten that up close up personal with snickers!! He comes out tonight or tomorrow to play and get weighed. I will have to check out his man parts then.
:err: Are you two insinuating that my Snickers is "unmanly?"

LOL...Monika...I NEEDED a chuckle this morning....I in NO way was implying Snickers was unmanly - he's a sweetheart...I was simply INFORMING Michelle that the boys were all still boys...

Monika - when we first got Snickers from you - I had asked about him being neutered...simply because our Gus - was, er, well - VERY visably endowed.