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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Active member
Dec 1, 2018
Port Moody, BC
Hi there,

I used to have Chinchillas many years ago, before my kids were born. Had them for about 4 years. Regretfully, I had to re-home them as we were moving to Canada.

For many years after we moved to Canada, it was clear to me I should wait with the chinchillas, fearing the interaction with small kids will not be healthy for the chinchillas. Over the years we had guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, fish and an adopted gecko. Now that the youngest kids are old enough, I was lucky to buy (re-home) two brothers. Chicco is a standard gray, restless but very friendly. Chinno is beige, calm and cuddly. Thanks to their prior owner, they are not only potty-trained but trusting, curious and friendly. They are a year and a quarter old, seems healthy and energetic. And they came with a amazing cage that exactly fits in our living room.

The kids love Chicco & Chinno and play with them a lot. I have less time to interact with them but we play mornings and most evenings. They are adorable.

I was amazed to find out all the developments that happened in the last 15-20 years in the field of pet Chinchillas... I love the fleece bedding most of all.

We live in Port Moody, BC.

I am planning on making them lots of toys, have several questions to ask, will do so on a different thread.

Thanks in advance,
