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The above pictures are of my seven year old hedgehog. Technically, she's my brothers responsibility... but anyway, my mom won't take her to the vet because she doesn't want to pay for surgery or medical bills nor does she want to put her down because she is eating and drinking perfectly.

I was wondering what the brown stuff is inside her mouth? (If you can see it in the pictures clear enough.) & I was also curious if you can tell that it's a tumor on her face or abscess?

She's old, I'm not sure what to do. I suggested we buy children tylonel or benadryl to ease the pain if she has any, will that do any good? Would it be toxic to her? What would you suggest?

Please help, thanks.
OMG! She need a vet NOW! I can say with 99% certainty that she has an oral tumour. She needs to go to the vet and be helped to cross peacefully and painlessly. To do nothing, she will die slow painful death. Tylenol is not going to help.
Omg thats horrible and just looking at it looks painful. I can't even imagine how the hedgie feels. Theres nothing we can do that would even help. You need a vet NOW!!
She needs a vet now, poor little girl must be suffering. Tylenol won't help and Benadryl is for alergies anyway. If your mom won't drive you to the vet to let your/your brother's hedgie cross the bridge without suffering, ask a friend, take public transportation or a cab ASAP please.
I don't see how she can be eating and drinking "perfectly." The tumor is taking up the majority of her mouth and her eye is bulging and face severely swollen. There is nothing "perfect" about how she is right now. She needs to be euthanized so she will no longer be in pain.

I pray your mother sees her suffering and does the right thing and decides to take her to be put down. 7 years is a long life for a hedgehog. I don't see why your mother would want to keep her alive any longer at such an old age and suffering.
You need to go to a veterinarian and have him examine your little one. We cannot tell you if this is definitely a tumor or not, only a veterinarian in person can diagnose your pet. The longer you wait the worse this condition is going to get. With hedgehogs, a wait and see attitude often results in what was once treatable being completely untreatable and the death of the hedgehog. See a veterinarian's attention immediately.

Just because your hedgehog is old doesn't mean that a vet couldn't do anything for her. Not all vet's recommend euthanising them just because of their age. My experience has been that they will discuss quality of life and things they can do to help you help your pet spend its last days happier.
This makes me cry! Please, convince your mother to do the right thing and allow the vet to help her cross the rainbow bridge! :tissue:
I don't see how she can be eating and drinking "perfectly." The tumor is taking up the majority of her mouth and her eye is bulging and face severely swollen. There is nothing "perfect" about how she is right now. She needs to be euthanized so she will no longer be in pain.

I pray your mother sees her suffering and does the right thing and decides to take her to be put down. 7 years is a long life for a hedgehog. I don't see why your mother would want to keep her alive any longer at such an old age and suffering.

I've watched her eat and drink, she drinks the whole bowl just as she used to by the end of the day.

I don't think anyone gets it when I tell you I CANT take her to the vet, I don't have the money... only my mom does. It's not my hedgehog, it's my brothers; I really don't have a say. I've begged and pleaded, showed my mom the pictures I've done all I can to try and convince her, I've cried in front of her... she's not buying into it.
If your mom wont let you take it because of money issues I would drop it off at the vets. Call animal control. Do something so the poor poor hedgie can rest in peace.
Since there is already a thread regarding this, I'm going to close this one down.
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