Good water bottle

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Gonna keck your butt ;)
Sep 15, 2010
Hey guys,

My little Tribble has a "cheapy" water bottle and he drinks out of it just fine. The trouble is, he keeps knocking it over. He does it on purpose. He stands up and removes the metal holder "thingy" and I find it on the floor. When I reattach it, he drinks like crazy. I don't know if he does it for attention or what. I need to find him a better water bottle that will withstand him trying to knock it off.

He is picky about his water bottles though. He doesn't like the kind with the real springy balls inside. I had to search to find this one. The spring isn't as strong as other water bottles. Would he just get used to it? I don't want him refusing to drink...

What water bottles do you guys use?
I use either the Water buddy or the Lixit bottles. The Water Buddy is different in that your chin would need to learn to get the water out differently, so if he's picky he may not like it. They have to bite down on the lever to get the water to flow out.

Actually, the Water Buddies are discontinued, but you may find them online occasionally. And yes, a guard for them is necessary.

The lixit ones don't have a spring, it's just a ball at the end of the sipper tube. But they're glass and I haven't had any issues with them falling off. They come with a spring that you wrap around the bottle. You can always tighten the ends of the spring around the cage bars so that there's no way for him to get it off. Or, use pear clips on the ends to snap to the cage bars.

The lixit ones many times you can find in the bird section of your local Petsmart or Petco. Or order online.
Since you're in Ohio, I'd just get the water bottles Rich Ryerson makes. They're great and easy to clean. You can get a bottle and holder for less than $5. These are what I've switched to and haven't had any problems.
I started off using a plastic water bottle and my Chin Chin figure out how to take it apart so I decided to get the glass water bottle that Super Pet makes and that they sell at Feeders Supply. I haven;t had any issues since I switched :)
Rich doesn't make the water bottles, he orders them and resells them, but I agree with you. All of my bottles are the glass ones with rubber stops from either Ryerson's or Shoots. I can't stand the Lixit bottles. Their opening is so small you have to buy a special brush for it whereas any baby bottle brush will fit in the glass bottles, or you can just throw them in the dishwasher.
Thanks for your responses. I will check with Ryerson's for their water bottles. I honestly think he is doing this for attention, even though he gets plenty :p
I use glass Lixit bottles that you get in the bird section in Petsmart and have never had a leaking bottle. I have used a Ryerson bottle before but I kept knocking it off the cage because I never look where I'm going, and eventually broke it. :rolleyes:

Superpet glass bottles stink, I have had 4 and all of them got stuck and wouldn't let any water out.