just as an update: giz is doing much much better! he continued to eat on his own and after about a week of burritoing, the remainder of the treatment has been effortless with him taking his meds like a champ. technically his treatment will be over on friday. however, ive already begun to run out of both meds (they're upside down right now in the fridge so i can be sure to get every last drop). i called the vet to see what to do and they said just to finish the meds. im one of those "go by the rules" type of people and even with myself, on my last day of meds im always like "please please please dont come back tomorrow!". so here's hoping.
no mucous around his nose or eyes! and in terms of sneezes...barely anything except for an occasional sound thats comparable to us sniffing. regardless, i will still be watching him closely.
Ive attached the discharge papers from the vets office. they give the details of his blood work, saying that he has "Moderate leukopenia and mild anemia (bicytopenia)". they say that if he is not 100% better (geez i wish he could tell me) after treatment, that i should bring him back to determine the causes.
the vet i go to is a teaching hospital, so in a sense, i feel as though they look at things in terms of "these symptoms could lead to A, B, or C..." so im not entirely worried that the word "cancer" is on these papers. when i mentioned the diagnosis to chinvet, she told me that she wouldnt be too too concerned with the blood cell counts since its difficult to really get a good amount from chins. any thoughts or imput? i honestly believe it was just a URI, but they have their own list of probabilities. "Some of the things we think could be causing his current condition are: neoplasia (cancer - likely of the bone marrow), an overwhelming infection, sepsis (blood infection), or an immune-mediated disorder". im not wrecking my brain thinking about these things, but has anyone ever dealt/heard of chinchillas and any of these conditions/diseases?
regardless, ive been giving giz Immunal Support herbs (thank you again Tanya!) and he's been just as lively as ever.
here's looking forward to a 100% Gizmo!