Gizmo had to get a catheter.

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Like I said, some chins need 100ml+ a day, some do not. A chin fed the proper amount of critical care produce nice size/quality poo. Good news about the hay eating! Do you have a scale? Keep tabs on the weight, if its steady and the poo is on the small side I would not worry too much, the quality looks fine.
Update: After last night, I woke up to see a decent amount of poo in gizmos cage. He was eating SOME hay before I went to bed last night, about 4AM..and he hasn't touched pellets...he's always been a hay fan over pellets anyways. Is there an alternative to CritCare? I don't have anymore, I ordered some from Susan, and it should be getting here soon..Any ideas?! Thanks!
You can try grinding pellets up and add a bit of water maybe with unsweetened pureed pumpkin? I know I've seen posts about it on here somewhere...try searching maybe? I've never had to do it, so hopefully others can help with their experiences.
Update2: Well it's 5 in the afternoon. I've fed Gizmo about 60ml of food so far. He only seems to poop when he's in his play pen. He only lays around in his cage. But when he's in his play pen he will do the occasional wall run and sit in a corner for a little, then repeat. His poops are looking bigger. Once again, if anyone knows an alternative for Critical Care, please let me know. I'm awaiting my order from Susan that I placed yesterday :) Thanks guys!!and gals :)
Coffee grinder + pellets + water = CC alternative. Grind pellets first, then add water to make it like critical care consistency. Canned pumpkin (not pie filling pumpking, plain canned pumpkin) can also be add to entice eating a bit more for more flavor.

How teeny tiny is a catheter for a chin? Poor guy. Just keep up with it all and good luck.
Finally a response! Thank you!! He seems to be pooping now, but only in his playpen, he only lays around in his cage, it seems reasonable though because he DOES sleep throughout the whole day. His cage is right next to my computer so I can monitor. I don't really sleep so thats a plus too..hah..but can you get canned pumpkin from a grocery store or do you have to go to a special store for it??
Thank you susan!!! :) The vet recommended that I feed any yellow baby food, so that's what i've been doing, but his poopies have been going back to normal size!! :) they used to be like, tic-tac size, now they re going back to that famous chin oblong shape! Some holes here and there, but VERY rarely. I gave some simethicone just in case.
Hey, that's good! I hope his appetite gets better after he is done with the meds and feeling better. The simethicone can really help with chins that are on antibiotics and not eating normally.

He's lucky to have a caring owner! I'm so glad that you caught that there was something wrong and that you got him to the vet so quickly.
Yeah we got home from disneyland and I could literally take him and lift him out of his cage, usually he tries to fight it. But he was just super limp and didnt want to move. I saw him get in his peeing stance a couple of times but noticed nothing came out. And I'm not pro enough to look for hair I took him to the vet, and sure enough he had a hair ring, alot of hair actually, and his urethra got blocked up. I would hate not being able to pee!!!
That's terrible. Glad you were able to figure it out though. Hopefully he won't hold the force feeding against you later. Hurry up and get better Gizmo! :D
Yeah I hope not! Lol. He lays around most of the day, which is what he does when he isn't sick as well, I don't know if i should be worried or not that he's laying around so much. Maybe I'm just paranoid..
You might even check with different vets in the area to see if they sell Critical Care. Some do, and some don't. It's kind of hit and miss, but worth a try until your package from Susan arrives.

Glad you got him to the vet and he is doing better. :)
Suure did! Gonna make the cc when I get home! He's around 600 grams and it says 3 tbsp for ever that's a little over one and a half tbsp correct?

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