Giardia I think... Very scared

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He is hardly drinking... Anyone have any suggestions?
Also my other two seem like there "napping" more but there still really active running on the wheel they always wanna come out and play with me and what not... I think im just being paranoid and scared... Tomorrow **** be on food and I suppose thats when he supposed to either show that hes good or ill have to give him real meds
Well his poops are still TINY and there slimeyish... Still waiting to hear what the tests come back with on the poop i should know by tomorrow for sure.
Is it ok to give the probiotics to the other chins just incase?? Im not really sure it seems liek it could have a good effect but im not seeing how it could be bad... Also i still need to get the little bugger to drink alot more
I'd just give food and pellets until you get the test results. Thank goodness you had them done because if there is something wrong you will be able to figure it out.
Well hes poop came back as normal as could be. But hes just not drinking... We think thats the entire problem now which doesnt really make sense but his poo came back perfectly normal... He has his pellets back now so maybe he'll eat and decide mmmm some water would go great with this
Nevermind his poops are mush now... I cant get him to eat or drink... The other two are doing just fine minus a little less water drinking than normal... I just cant figure it out it doesnt seem like there is anything wrong... Im ordering lifeline today hopefully it will help
So i think he may have an impaction or something i was just reading the lifeline description and it says when the GI tract isnt perfect food will just sit there and the chin will have decreased appitite and they will become lethargic and there stomach will hurt... Since he kacks anytime i touch him i think hes hurting and he is definatly not too active...
Im waiting for the vet to call back... Gahh Im so worried about him
I need to go back and read the thread from the beginning but was wondering if you've switched foods lately? I had one episode of very soft poop in one of my boys and that's when I switched his pellets. Around the third day of the switch his poops were very squishy but by day four on the new pellets it started to clear up. I also made the mistake of giving him an oat supplement with herbs which I think was just too much for his system at that time so I stopped giving it to him.
No they have been on the same food and even the same batch for awhile now. He went back to the vet today and he ended up getting put on flagyl (i think thats what its called) and before we left he got a shot with some anti biotics. Yet again there is something in his poop but noone can figure out what it is... So were gonna try and treat for giardia and see how it goes.. Also he should get the lifeline this week hopefully
The vet should be able to feel bloat if there is an impaction. Also if his poops came back as normal why are you treating for something he may not have. Are you and the vet guessing? Why isn't the poop being sent out for more tests to hopefully find the true cause or is there something I am missing.

Maybe you need a second opinion?
When i was there today he explained how there was giardia in the poop but there is something that looks really close to giardia... If he doesnt start to get better im gonna take him to another vet for another look. But since hes gotten the shot today and the meds he has actually come out of his house and ran around abit and he ate abit.
Thanks =] He is on his flagyl (which i figured out how to get him to actually take without fighting me thank god) And his lifeline was ordered a few hours ago so hopefully that will get him eating and what not
Random thought but today i found out theyve been eating the carefresh bedding i put under the water bottles to catch drips.. Needless to say they no longer have the bedding bowls. Hes now eating and drinking not quiet as much as normal but he is eating and drinking =]